Rotarian David Harvey - Sunrise Rotary Club Stratford, CEO Woodstock Public Library
Rotary Rays - December 9, 2019 - Our Annual Rotary Charity Auction Presiding - Dave Harris Location - Southgate Center Guests: Rotarian David Harvey - Sunrise Rotary Club Stratford, CEO Woodstock Public Library Glen Murray - Auctioneer John Currie - welcome back for a visit Rotary Anniversaries: Lisa Wells - 8 years; Ron Fraser - 9 years; Don Fulkerson 9 years 50/50 draw - Richard Holmes drew the 8 of spades Announcements Dragon Boat Meeting - Noon on Jan 9 , 2020 Crabby Joe's Interact Club - Duane Griffith has offered to be the Rotarian to work with Alison Stevens as she starts our first Interact Club at College Ave Secondary School Tess' pickup Schedule - reminder that we need to fill in the blanks to ensure Tess has a ride each week. Lisa will circulate a reminder. Cheese order is ready and Don Stoddart has them in his car for pickup today Program Today we had a lively auction with Glen Murray presiding and James Stewart doing his level best to solicit the highest bids. Robin Ferro was tallying up the totals as the meeting wrapped up and we raised about $1,800 Next Meeting - Christmas Lunch and sing song. |
Woodstock Rotary October 22, 2018 Meeting Minutes Call to Order: 12:12pm Introduction of Guests: John Gilvesy, District Governor; Darrell Parker, Assistant District Governor Invocation Reading: Robin Birthdays and Anniversaries: Joe celebrating a Bday on Oct 22; Don and Phyllis celebrating 54 years of marriage on Oct 17 50/50 draw: Christy winner Happy Bucks and Fines: Facilitate by Phil who asked some challenging questions. Of note: |
Presiding – David Harris Location – Quality Inn Guests: Janet Dawes Alex Sterk Brian and Marian Sterk 50/50 : Winner: Chris Cunningham Card: 7 of Diamonds Rotary Anniversaries and Birthday’s: Rick S. – Birthday Graham H. – Rotary Anniversary of 27 years Happy Bucks: Jocelyn J. – Enjoyed trip to Greece and celebrated 2018 Diary Capital Run Chris C. – Promoted Concession booth in Southside Park that is operated by Southgate Centre will be open 7 days a week Ron F. – was in Kingston for Step-Daughter graduation Joe O – Happy to be at Rotary Meeting Rick S. – Excited to be acting as a mediator for a case Graham H. – Paid a fine for Rick C. for having trouble with the dragonboats tractor Announcements Dragonboats: Still issues with the truck. Should be ok for this week, but will need to get it sorted out Rotary Minute: Chris C. talked about how important Service Above Self is. She was taught at a young age to give back and as an adult looked for those opportunities. Rotary was able to provide that and allows her to meet new people and keep current on initiatives happening in her community. Speaker:
Presiding – David Harris Location – Quality Inn Guests: Janet Dawes Alex Sterk Brian and Marian Sterk 50/50 : Winner: Chris Cunningham Card: 7 of Diamonds Rotary Anniversaries and Birthday’s: Rick S. – Birthday Graham H. – Rotary Anniversary of 27 years Happy Bucks: Jocelyn J. – Enjoyed trip to Greece and celebrated 2018 Diary Capital Run Chris C. – Promoted Concession booth in Southside Park that is operated by Southgate Centre will be open 7 days a week Ron F. – was in Kingston for Step-Daughter graduation Joe O – Happy to be at Rotary Meeting Rick S. – Excited to be acting as a mediator for a case Graham H. – Paid a fine for Rick C. for having trouble with the dragonboats tractor Announcements Dragonboats: Still issues with the truck. Should be ok for this week, but will need to get it sorted out Rotary Minute: Chris C. talked about how important Service Above Self is. She was taught at a young age to give back and as an adult looked for those opportunities. Rotary was able to provide that and allows her to meet new people and keep current on initiatives happening in her community. Speaker:
Rotary Rays Date: March 5, 2018 Presiding: President Lisa Location: Quality Inn Writer: Rick Shaheen Announcements:
50/50: winner Rosemary George – Jack of Spades Birthdays: Dave Harris Birthday March 19 Rosemary George Anniversary March 10 – 35 years Bruce Cunningham birthday March 4 Happy Bucks: Lynn Beath – 2 weeks in Mexico , Rick Shaheen – skiing in Whistler Ted Beynen – Cruise and witnessed devastation in St Martin, Ron Fraser – just happy, Frances Stevens – finished PETs training – new theme: “Be the Inspiration” Program introduced and thanked by Rick Shaheen Speaker: Jane Monteith tax adviser on the new Federal Budget
Presiding – President Lisa Location – Quality Inn Guests: Chris Cooke – MW& CO. 50/50 : Winner: Lisa Wells Card: 7 of spades Rotary Anniversaries and Birthday’s: Liam M. – Birthday Olga M. – Birthday Ted B. – Wedding Anniversary and Rotary Anniversary of 13 years Ifhan H. – Rotary Anniversary 13 years Happy Bucks: Don S. – Celebrating his wife’s birthday Cliff Z. – Snowmobile trip in Eastern Canada Ted B. – Will be leaving on a cruise for anniversary Liam M. – Was in Ottawa for his daughters provincial swimming competition Dave H. – Was in BC Skiing Bruce C. – Looking for volunteers for Meals on Wheels and Rides for Montana to and from weekly meetings Lisa W. – Winning 50/50 Announcements February 19, 2018 Meeting: There will be no meeting on Feb 19 for the Family Day holiday 2019/2020 Incoming President: Frances S. announced that Jocelyn Jenner will be the incoming President for 2019/2020 Board Meeting: Reminder to Board Members that there is a meeting on Feb 16, 2018 Tree Planting Day: Looking for a Chair to lead the tree planting day for Woodstock. The event will take place the third week of April Speaker:
Date: 05 February 2018 Presiding: Past President Ted Beynen Location: Quality Inn Writer: Ron Fraser Announcements: Birthdays & Anniversaries – John Szasz February 11th 51 years as a Rotary Member
Meals on Wheels Signup Sheet is circulating Please sign up on line we are still short a few drivers There is a online sign up sheet for Montana for rides to and from regular meetings on Mondays picking her up at CASS and taking her back after the meeting. Frances added that Montana is a wonderful young lady from Australia. Frances also announced there is a need for Volunteers this year for the Music Festival at the doors and volunteers required for secretary position to fill in for her when she is not available. Training for the Secretary will be in March. Frances also announce there is a need for one of our members to be the Club President for the year 2019-2020. Ron Reported for Bruce Cunningham that he had received an email from Exchange Student Lisa VanSomeren that she arrived back home in Australia safely and is adjusting back to her life in Australia. She does miss all of the Woodstock Rotary Members and all of the friends she made while she was here during her exchange. 50/50 Draw: Jocelyn looked after the 50/50 Draw won by Mary Reid and Mary drew the four of Hearts Sergeant at Arms: Graham Hart as Sergeant at Arms explained he has been to many other club meetings but was always recalls the one club who levied fines but also fined the other members for listening. Graham directed that two people from each table should Tell the Club if they were super heros what super power they would like to have and why! Graham led us off with: He would like to be able to fly. Mary Reid- would like to see and hear music through colour Rick Shaheen- Be able to transport like in start Trek so he didn’t have to drive back and forth to Toronto Ron Fraser- X Ray vision for his past career so he could see inside a place before entering on a search warrant. Ro also gave a Happy Buck for the Eagles Super Bowl win France Stevens- Wanted to be able to see the world and a Happy Buck as her son was home from Queens U on the weekend Chris C. Wanted Mental Telepathy and Happy Buck as Chili Charlie did not see his shadow so it was an early spring forecast and The Southgate Centre Chili cook off was tomorrow (Tuesday) tickets $10.00 Ted Beynen- to be able to see the future Program: Chris Cunningham introduced our guest speaker Rory Offen from Community Options for Justice and one of his volunteers Patti Community Options for Justice is in need of Volunteers for their Restorative Justice Programs and Restorative Practice. Rory provided a copy of his Power Point and their Call for Volunteer sheets which his Presentation was based on Please refer to the attached sheets for further details Community Options for Justice (Oxford) CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS for our RESTORATIVE JUSTICE PROGRAMS (ADULT MEDIATION and YOUTH JUSTICE COMMITTEE) Community Options for Justice (Oxford) is committed to providing alternative interventions and prevention strategies in the community for persons in conflict with the law. We are recruiting volunteers to take on the role of facilitators in the Adult Mediation and/or Youth Justice Committee programs within Oxford County. Restorative Justice programs act as an alternative to formal court proceedings and provide opportunities for youth and adults to demonstrate accountability to the persons harmed by their actions and responsibility to their community. Restorative Justice programs endeavour to bring together people impacted by a crime in a safe manner to share their experiences, understand the harm that has been caused, and discuss meaningful ways to repair that harm and help people move forward. Volunteer responsibilities include leading pre-conference meetings with individual participants, facilitating the Restorative Justice process (along with another volunteer) for youth and/or adult clients, and attending ongoing training sessions. Volunteers should have flexibility in their schedule (daytime availability is an asset) and be willing to provide a Police Information Check/Vulnerable Sector Check. Previous group facilitation and/or mediation experience is an asset. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, but a training for new volunteers is scheduled for Saturday, February 10. It is not mandatory to attend the training on this day before starting to volunteer, but it would be a good introduction to the program and other volunteers. Please forward resume to: Community Options for Justice (Oxford) Attention: Program Supervisor 496 Adelaide Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 4B4 Fax: 519 539-8185 or email to Funding provided by United Way of Oxford and the Government of Ontario AGENCY OVERVIEW •Started as Oxford Association of Volunteers in Corrections in 1983 •Community Options for Justice (Oxford) in 1991 •Main office is located in Woodstock with satellite offices in Ingersoll (Community Employment Services) and Tillsonburg (Livingston Centre) •Provide non-residential, justice-based programs for youth and adults in Oxford County •Includes programing at multiple entry points: –after conviction/finding of guilt; –Diversion from formal court proceedings; and community/prevention ORGANIZATION CHART ![]() ADULT PROGRAMS CROWN ATTORNEY Direct Accountability Program (DAP) Adult Diversion Awareness Programs (ADAP and ASAP) Victim Offender Reconciliation Program (VORP)** PROBATION Community Service Order (CSO) Counselling Rehabilitation POLICE Adult Mediation** (no cost) Pre-Charge Adult Diversion (Fee-For-Service) COMMUNITY Adult Anger Management (Fee-For-Service) Community Mediation** (planned) YOUTH PROGRAMS DIVERSION (referred by Police or Crown) Extrajudicial Measures (EJM) Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS) Youth Justice Committee (YJC)** Horse-Guided Learning (HGL) COMMUNITY (No cost to participate) Anger Management Girls Group Substance Misuse (programs are based on requests and staff availability) Community Mediation** (planned) ![]() RESTORATIVE PRACTICE •Restorative Justice programs look to bring together people impacted by a crime in a safe and respectful dialogue to discuss their experiences, understand the impacts of their actions, and explore meaningful ways to repair harm and help people move forward. • •During a mediation, trained facilitators ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and to listen. Participants discuss how a shared conflict impacted them, ask questions, and together work toward a mutually acceptable plan to move forward. VOLUNTEERS •Volunteers are always paired up with another volunteer or a staff member •Main responsibilities include: –conducting pre-mediation meeting with the individual parties; –facilitating the Restorative Justice process for youth and/or adult clients; and –attending ongoing training sessions. •Other notes: potential volunteers should have a flexible schedule (daytime availability is an asset); must provide a satisfactory police background check; group facilitation experience is an asset but not a must. •Patti is here to share her experience as a volunteer with us. |
Rotary Rays January 29, 2018 Presiding: President Lisa Wells Minutes taken by:Dave Harris Guests: No guests. We are happy to have Montana with us for the year Upcoming Birthday's: Adam Shaw Rotary Anniversary: Ted Beynen 12 years 50/50: Richard Holmes drew the 6 of Diamonds earning him $6 in wiinnings Bruce: Sign up for meals on wheels. Feb 20-23rd. E-mail was sent Sergeant at Arms: Richard Holmes Richard is happy this is the last meeting for his pod last pod. looking forward to a slower February at work. Liam: paying fine for being PC party member after a tough week. James: paying a fine for leaving early today Graham Hart: nice weather to walk in the woods with his dog.
Meeting agenda: This was a club assembly meeting for Dragon Boats, Membership and Music Festival. Notes will be circulated to committees following.
Next meeting: See website for details.
Date: January 15th, 2018 Presiding – President Lisa Wells Location – Quality Hotel & Suites Writer – Ted Beynen Announcements: Frances Stevens introduced our new exchange student from Australia - Montana. She is looking forward to a wonderful year with us. Brian Bennett – 3 year term is up as the assistant District Governor and was thinking maybe it was time someone from our club considered this position as Rosemary George was the last ADG from our club. 50/50 – Winner and card drawn Ron Fraser drew the 2 of Spades and donated the 2 dollars back into the pot Birthdays and Anniversary’s January 20th – Bruce Cunningham Birthday January 24th – Ron Fraser Birthday Hazel is celebrating 10yr Rotary Anniversary Sergeant at Arms - Fines Happy Bucks Richard Holmes – drew Joker for 50/50 last week and won 15% of pot - $43.65 Frances Stevens – had a Rotary centric weekend – hosted outbound exchange students and picked up our new Australian exchange student Rosemary – very happy with calendar donations – also enjoyed a trip to central America – also had an accident but walked away with only a concussion Dave Harris – Hosted outbound exchange students overnight on weekend Hazel Powell – Happy roads are better this week after getting snowed in last Monday Graham – happy to have taken down Christmas lights last Thursday during warm spell and flipping back and forth from curling to football all weekend Ron – happy to see the new quarter with the Stanley cup on it Program Richard Holmes gave an in depth synopsis on the stock market, everything from BITCOIN to POT STOCKS to current market condition and expectations for 2018 |
Presiding; President Lisa Wells Don Stoddart started us off with Oh Canada Convocation: Ted Beynen Welcome guests attending Doug Vincent - PD Governor Nikki Van Luwen – Woodstock City Police – todays speaker Tyler Allard – Woodstock City Police Birthdays and Anniversaries Bruce Cunningham – bday next week Ron Fraser – bday next week Hazel Powell - 10 year Rotary Anniversary today Don – 31st Rotary Anniversary Richard – 26th Rotary Anniversary President Lisa asked for help with Outbound Exchange students for this Friday evening: We need to billet them at Rotarian's homes following their program Friday night. They are to be back at Fanshawe College in Sat. Morning. Please contact Lisa if you have room Lisa Van Sommeren returned to Australia on the weekend. We are welcoming Montana from Australia on Jan 14th. Dave Harris – update on membership meeting with Woodstock-Oxford Club. He will put together and email and send it out 50/50 – won by Richard Holmes. He pulled a Joker Happy bucks Lisa – she had a great Christmas Don – he had a nice trip Richard – update on a busy family life Dave – neighbour helped snow blow Ted – fined himself for forgetting to return change to Lisa Richard introduced our guest speaker Nikki Van Lewen from Woodstock Police Service - gave us an overview of the changes to the Racing Against Drugs Program that is now run locally by Woodstock Police Service instead of by the RCMP. They have updated it to keep pace with the changes in drugs available and cover things like vaping now as well. They see about 1,400 grade 5 students go through the program every 2 years. We also discussed the VIP program that is run in the schools and has been supported by the Woodstock-Oxford Club in the past. The Racing Against Drugs Program runs from April 30th to May 5th this year at the Oxford Auditorium. Nikki has also been on a polio vaccination trip to Africa through another organization so she was pleased to receive a certificate of immunization as a thank you. President Lisa closed the meeting |
Richard Holmes greeted Rotarians and visitors as they arrived for the regular noon meeting. Don F. took attendance. Don S. did the 50/50 tickets. When President Lisa called the meeting to order there were 3 visitors from the Ingersoll Club and Glen Murray, a past member of our Club to be introduced. James Stewart had organized the items to be auctioned at this, our Annual In House Charity Auction. Olga led in the singing of O Canada. Lisa toasted Canada, our Queen and Australia. Bruce.C. asked the Invocation. A delicious lunch of pita pockets stuffed with egg salad or tuna salad and side salads followed by banana bread was enjoyed by all. After lunch, James Stewart won the 50/50 and sent it back for Polio Plus. There were no birthdays or anniversaries. Rick S. marked his 26th. Rotary anniversary; Fran marked her 7th. Don S. as Sargent collected several happy bucks. Bruce C. reminded members that next Monday is the deadline for anyone needing a Polio Plus certificate to use as a Christmas present. GET YOUR INFORMATION IN TO HIM ASAP. Lisa circulated a sheet asking for those intending to attend the Christmas party, Dec 18, 6:30 p.m. at Southgate Centre. That will be the last occasion we will all be able to meet with Lisa, our exchange student. She will be making her final presentation. The members of the Ingersoll Club did a good presentation of their Vacation Lottery and encouraged us to buy tickets. They entered one ticket in to our Auction. James Stewart and Glen Murray then ran the Auction very efficiently. Since there were 15 bottles of booze on offer, bidding was good, especially among the long term members of the Club who regularly enjoy doing their Christmas shopping here. Other items available included: a garden trellis, a blender, plenty of cheese, maple products, homemade jams , pickles and honey, a basket of Laura Secord products and one from the Deli on Dundas St., a new board game, a box of Piccard nuts, the Lottery ticket from Ingersoll’s Club, several nifty shirts and some intriguing electronic or mechanical devices. There was even a necklace and a picture frame. Glen and James made the most of each offering! We look forward to hearing next week how much we made. Lisa thanked Glen and James and adjourned the meeting at 1:30 p.m. |
Meeting was hosted by President Lisa Wells. Guest was Arley Hodgins, Rotary Club accountant. 50/50 was won by Liam McCreery. He drew the King of Hearts and donated $10 back to Rotary. Birthday and Anniversaries – Frances Stevens had a recent birthday. Rotary News – next Monday is the Shoebox auction. Please make sure you bring a gift to auction + lots of $$$$$ for bidding. The meeting was our Annual AGM and Foundation AGM to present audited financial statements to the club members from period July 1st 2016 to June 30th 2017. Robin Ferro, Treasurer of the Foundation presented the Financial Review on the Foundation activities to the club. No major expenditures for the Foundation and investments grew by just over $10,000 to a balance of $165,008. Lisa Wells, President and Don Fulkerson, Treasurer for the Rotary Club presented the financial activities for the club. A copy of the minutes will be posted separately for your review. Lisa also read an email address from past President Bruce Cunningham in his absence to cover off his year as President 2016-2017. Highlights included the donation to Splash pad an new baseball fields in North End of city. Meeting adjourned. |
Presiding - Bruce Cunningham was acting President for this meeting in the absence of club President Lisa Wells. Guests were Janis Cunningham (Bruce’s wife) as well as Carl Jolly from Salvation Army. Carl performed the Remembrance Day ceremony at the start of the meeting. Invocation - Robin Ferro. 50/50 was won by James Stewart. He drew the Queen of clubs and donated the $10 back to Rotary. Happy Bucks – Hazel was Sergeant At Arms and fined all those who did not attend a Remembrance Day ceremony over the weekend. Hazel also paid happy buck to announce the Western Mustangs Football Team won the Yates Cup on Saturday by defeating Wilfred Laurier. Liam paid to announce the 100th anniversary of Passiondale Battle in WW I that cost 16,000 Canadian lives. Hazel paid sad buck as one of her cats went missing while her roof was being replaced. Club announcements – Olga mentions ways to fundraise for Polio. Buy certificates as Christmas a gift or make a donation to our club Foundation and receive tax receipt. Also our club shoebox auction will take place on Monday December 4th with Glen Murray as auctioneer. Bruce thanked all members for signing up for Meals on Wheels Nov 20th – 24th. Guest speaker was our exchange student Lisa Van Someren. She spoke on the topic of Vaulting which is acrobatics on horseback. She is self taught in this sport along with her sister. Her mother is involved as coach and lunger (person who controls the horse during routine). The sport is most popular in Europe and was invented around the end of WW II in Germany. There are different formats including Individual, Pas de Deux (2 person), or Squad (6 people with max 3 on horseback at any given time). Routines last 1 minute and are scored by a panel of judges that observe technique, style, difficulty of moves + the choreography to music and the horse speed. Lisa showed some videos of her routines during events in Australia and here in Canada. She answered various questions from the members. |
Presiding – Lisa Wells Location – Quality Inn – Woodstock Ontario Writer – Bruce Burbank Announcements Frances Stevens announced that we will have an inbound exchange student from Australia arriving in January – her name is Montana Paula Reinheimer and she comes from Horsham, Victoria, Australia James confirmed that the annual Shoebox Auction will be held during our Dec. 4th meeting. 50/50 – Dave Harris drew the Ace of diamonds Birthdays and Anniversary’s Graham & Frances have birthdays in November along with Don F.’s spouse. Sergeant at Arms -
Program – Kelly Gilson, Executive Director of United Way Oxford introduced our guests from TMMC (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada and Barbara Graham. Barbara Graham announced the winner of this year’s Wes Magill Award which is TMMC. The award was accepted with thanks from a representative of TMMC who emphasized the company’s support and commitment to local community projects and causes. Kelly and UW board member Cheryl Micacchi who shared some additional information regarding a recent report on the needs and concerns of our local youth. Our club has expressed an interest in supporting local youth initiatives so there may be opportunities arising out of this report and some planning that is being done amongst service providers. Kelly also invited members to come and witness the annual UW Stair Climb event at the community complex on Nov. 2. |
Rotary Club of Woodstock October 23, 2017 Meeting Guests: Kathi Dick – District Governor Timothy Brian Bennett –Assistant District Governor Invocation: Chris Cunningham Birthdays: Joe Odumodu 50/50: Ron Fraser 7 of Clubs Sergeant of Arms Questions:
![]() Rotary Rays - August 28, 2017 President Lisa Wells Greater Bruce C O’ Canada/Sergeant at Arms Olga M Invocation Rose G Attendance Don F 50/50 Don S Minutes Phil L ![]() 50/50 Olga M won with ticket "636", and she drew the ACE of SPADES. ![]() Happy Bucks Bruce C for his unplanned swim in the water at the Dragon Boat Festival. ![]() Olga M for how a few members of the club came together to ensure a Polio Plus Certificate made it out in good time. Olga reminded us that a Polio Plus Certificate, as a gift, doesn't need to happen just at Christmas. It makes a great gift anytime of the year. Robert R played the Beatles song, "Doctor Reid", that he just discovered, for the club. We all got a kick out of this. ( ) ![]() Rick S for no more tuition! His son and daughter are now finished! Graham H for Dragon Boat, but for missing Bruce's swim. Bruce B for a great camping trip with his son in Algonquin, and recommends it as a great way to spend time with all our sons and daughters Dave H celebrated his 25th Wedding Anniversary with friends in the Niagara region. Also, for the renovations on his home nearing completion and being able to move from his parents home, but temporarily into a trailer during the final stages. Don F for celebrating his Wedding Anniversary. Lisa W for needing to leave briefly for a conference call during the meeting. Sergeant at Arms Olga again quizzed us all about Rotary. What month and year was the club organized? June 2nd, 1924. ****** What are two of our events that all members are expected to volunteer at? The Woodstock Rotary Dragon Boat Festival and the Woodstock Rotary Music Festival. ****** When was the "Americas" declared Polio Free? 1994. ****** What year did Rotary International start the Polio Challenge, to eradicate Polio? 1985 ****** Birthdays and Anniversaries Olga M (Rotary, 12 years) Robert R (Wedding) Don F (Wedding) Announcements Don S asked about the interest in the Fishing Boat Rental. Looking for 8-10 people to join in. See Don S for more info. Dragon Boat Rentals still have five days left in the year and, needs volunteers to put the boats in the water. Please contact Lisa W ASAP. Diamond Rotary Pin was presented to Olga M. ![]() Rick S presented a flag from the Rotary Sudbury Sunrisers Club that he received during a River Cruise in July. Rick was able to spend time in an "impromptu" Rotary Meeting with Rick Joly and retired Canada AM host Jeff Hutchison. Rick will be sending our flag back in exchange. ![]() Guest Speaker Scholarship Programs, presented by Ifhan H. ![]() Ifhan started with a bit of club history and how "Service Above Self" was developed, and how this cornerstone is applied to the awards that are presented to recipients annually from local high schools in Woodstock. Community involvement and volunteerism play a big role in selecting a lady and gentleman from each of the schools. An award of $500 each is presented to use towards furthering their education. Currently we support St Mary's Catholic High School, Woodstock Collegiate Institute, College Avenue Secondary School, Huron Park Secondary School and École Secondaire Catholique École Secondaire Sainte-Marie. More information on Rotary's youth-oriented programs can be found at, And on the history of Rotary's mottos at, Lisa closed today's meeting |
![]() Rotary Rays - August 21, 2017 President Lisa Wells O’ Canada/Invocation/Sergeant at Arms Olga M Attendance Don F 50/50 Don S Greater/Minutes Phil L Guests John Brittan Robert Marsden (Tillsonburg Club) with exchange students Erica (outbound) and Beatrice (inbound) 50/50 was won by Lisa W, and she drew the Jack of Spades. Happy Bucks Rick S One Buck each for enjoying a river cruise down part of the Rein, which caused him to miss the Dragon Boat Festival. James S for enjoying it too much when Bruce C went into the water at the start of the Dragon Boat Festival. Richard H for a host of family events, including a wedding, which made him absent from the Dragon Boat Festival. Dave H for a successful Dragon Boat Festival and also for enjoying it too much when Bruce went into the water. Robert Marsden for a great student exchange and for great exchange students. Lisa W for winning the 50/50, and for Bruce’s water experience. Hazel P for the article in the local paper about the Dragon Boat Festival and Rotary. Lynn enjoyed a wonderful trip to London and Norway (and missing the Dragon Boat Festival). Sergeant at Arms Olga quizzed us all about Rotary, and did a fair job in cleaning up a bit for the club. Ian H.S. Riseley, President 2017-18 Rotary Club of Sandringham, Victoria, Australia ****** Rotaract, started in 1968. Rotaract (which stands for Rotary in Action) is a Rotary-sponsored service club for young women and men ages 18 to 30. Rotaract clubs are either community or university based, and they’re sponsored by a local Rotary club. ****** The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages. Of the things we think, say or do: Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? ****** Presidential theme 2017-18: Rotary: Making a Difference ****** The only Canadian on the RI Board of Directors Hendreen Dean Rohrs Vice-President 2017-18 Rotary Club of Langley Central British Columbia, Canada ****** Birthdays and Anniversaries Chris C (Birthday) Richard H (Birthday AND Anniversary) Rick C (Wedding) Lynn B (Wedding) Dave H (Wedding) Robert R (Wedding) Don F (Wedding) Correspondence A card and Banner from Karen of the Bradenton, Florida club was received, thanking us for hosting her at lunch when visiting the area. ![]() A letter from Logan Johnston, who attended and was greatly successful as part of the Canadian Junior National Dragon Boat Team at the World Championship in Ferney-Voltaire, France, thanked the club for the opportunity and bursary to attend. ![]() Student Exchange - One Month Exchange. Robert Marsden introduced Erica and Beatrice, who spent one month together in Italy and one month in Oxford on a one month student exchange. ![]() Both Erica and Beatrice commented on how they were “pushed out of their comfort zones” to experience the culture, live abroad and about themselves. It allowed them to learn more about a full exchange for the future. Dragon Boat Festival Recap Dave did a brief recap on this year’s festival and how successful it was. Dave also wanted to mention how the event is successful due to, in large part, to the volunteers who lend their time and support before, during and after the event. From the large financial support from Joe at Pharmasave, Rick in the organizing the medal and t-shirts, Phil for printing, signs and banners, Don F for controlling the funds, John Brittan for an incredible amount of work in many areas and to ALL the members, their families and friends that make it a great and well respected event Lisa closed the meeting by asking members, who could stay, to work briefly in one of three groups (Fundraising, Communications and Community) to begin to lay a framework for the coming year. |
Rotary Rays – Monday May 1, 2017 Meeting was chaired by President Bruce Cunningham. Invocation – Don Fulkerson Guest speakers – John/Lorna Lawrence from the Chatham Sunrise Rotary Club Lorna spoke briefly about the history of our Woodstock Club and shared some old Rotary Rays from the past highlighting her Grandfather who received an award for 25years of perfect attendance in the 1950’s. John grew up on a Dairy Farm north of Embro and was speaking to us about the topic of Clean Water for Living. Clean Water is an important resource that we often take for granted. Rotary does great work in Third World countries but we often neglect the fresh water that inhabits our own country. The Great Lake are at a tremendous risk with Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Micro Plastic pollutants. Large algae blooms in Lake Erie are the result of chemical run offs from farm land and residential fertilizers. Everyone needs to do a little bit to make a big difference and ensure we leave a legacy for our children and grandchildren that includes clean water. Visit their website at for more details on these programs. 50/50 Winner was President Bruce Cunningham and he pulled the 6 of Spades and donated the $6 back to the club. Birthdays and Anniversaries – Don Fulkerson has birthday coming up this week. Going to Bluejays game. Other Announcements – Rotary Foundation approved funding request for $4800 to cover emergency dental procedure for Syrian refugee mother. Also John Currie received his 2nd Paul Harris Fellow pin. John’s wife is dealing with medical issues that require John to stay close to home so he will not be able to attend many meetings in future but will remain on as Chair of Foundation. Happy Bucks – Graham Hart delivered dictionaries to grade 3 students in Oxford county. He was assisted by Mary Holmes when he visited the Catholic schools. Bruce Burbank wanted to extend a big THANKs to Frances Stevens for her work on the Music Festival. We received a thank you card from one of the music teachers for a well run event. Rick Shaheen is happy that daughter Jessica has finished her post secondary education. Don Fulkerson’s son has also completed his schooling. Festival of the Stars event is Wednesday May 3rd at Maranatha Church. More help is needed for this event. Sign up sheets are circulating for Dragonboat Fun League which begins May 8th, and Meals on Wheels which runs May 23rd to 26th. Docks will be put back into Pittock on Friday night May 5th at 5:30pm for those who can assist. |
Rotary Rays - April 10, 2017 President Bruce Cunningham Welcomed Everyone to Rotary Innovation was led by Phil Laitar O Canada was sung by all Dr. Reid introduced our Speaker Christopher Birtch and his wife Margo Christopher Birtch gave us a wonderful presentation on Hydrogen and how he has been working over the past 10 years to perfect how to harness this energy. He explained how he patented four different processes and how he hopes that Hydrogen Cars will be the future for our Country. He explained how important clean energy will be in the future. Doug Vincent thanked everyone for their support of the fish fry last weekend. He mentioned how good it was to see our members out for their event. He also thanked Lisa S and Bruce for their help cleaning up at 2:30 am. Lisa thanked everyone for their support on both the Paint Night and the Fish Fry Lynn won the 50/50 Mary, Lisa W, Bruce, Graham all had happy bucks Lisa W was fined for making Graham take the minutes for her. Bruce closed the meeting at 1:15 |
Rotary Rays March 20, 2017
Speaker: Jaclyn Turpin, a grad student who works with the Alzheimer Society, Oxford, as she continues her studies towards her Masters in Social Work at UWO, in London. Continued.... |
Presiding: President Bruce Cunningham
Attendance: 20 members Francis welcomed Rotarians and guests Brett Harrington, from the Credit Union , and Ashley Farrar, our speaker. Holly took attendance.
We sang ‘O Canada’, toasted the Queen – Canada and Australia.
Other business
Rotary Rays Feb 6 2017
Date: Feb 6 2017
Presiding: Bruce
Location: Quality Inn Hotel
Writer: Holly Hebert
Guest: Ron Archer (AKA Santa Ron)
Sick and Visiting: None
50/50 Draw: Lisa Wells won $10.00 drawing Queen of hearts
Sergeant of Arms: Bruce Burbank
Happy bucks:
No Fines
Football bucks paid
Davie Harris was happy his daughter graduated and is gainfully employed until the end of summer and was also happy his sister in law was helping his wife during her recovery period.
Frances’s son, Scott came in 21st for skiing in a province wide competition.
Lisa was happy she won 50/50
Olga reviewed stats form the Rotarian Magazine and asked if you owe for the auction please pay.
Birthdays/Anniversaries: Adam Shaw Feb 7th, John’s 50th anniversary on Feb 11th and Ted’s 26th anniversary this month as well.
Committee Updates:
Paint Nite: Aiming for March 28th, Tuesday, looking for donations for the raffle table. Proceeds to assist Lisa with her trip to the Kennedy Space Centre.
Dragon Boat: Needs a fresh coat of paint to cover up graffiti
Music Festival: Gearing up for April, possible grant from City to be able to waive admission fees.
Meals on Wheels for Month of March
Bruce talked about having a meeting with Ted, Lisa, Frances and himself to determine a date for the meeting to work on our Vision and process.
Speaker: Bruce Burbank and Ron Archer -Update on CAS Endowment Fund:
Chris Friesen determined while on board for this foundation and it was approved in 2011 by the board. This Oxford Foundation is direct donations to the program that is not support within the budget. It offers financial assistance, bursaries, sending kids to summer camp, assists with further education.
In 2016, they awarded 9 bursaries, Bruce shared a couple of applications, which were amazing.
They attended local Rotary clubs to start the donation fund, speaking of some events, last year’s car show donated approx.. $12k, Ingersoll Rotary club donated $10K and is challenging other local clubs to match. This donation goes to one individual to continue and finish their education, whether it is 3 years or 5 years, the money is allocated according to the term of education.
This foundation assists public awareness of the agency and their profile. The foundation is now approaching $220k.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30
Happy New Year Rotarians as we kick off the year with our first meeting.
President Bruce Cunningham Presided. David Harris was the writer who did not take great notes. No guests were present as this was a Club Assembly Meeting with election of a few board members. Three Board Members agreed to stay on for an additional year so no election was needed. Several Happy Bucks were given as members were thankful for their Christmas Holiday. The Music Festival plans are well under way with the bulk of the entries expected this month. It will be held at just one venue this year saving considerable volunteer effort. The Salvation Army Church will be the site of all competitions. We will be celebrating 100 years of the Rotary Foundation this summer in conjunction with the museum. The plan is to host a tea with "Ted Talks" on various historical aspects of our club and the Foundation through the day. We will participate in meals on wheels again this year on the following dates: March 20-24, May 23-26, Nov 20-24 The Dragon Boat Fun League will have a booth in the Rec and Leisure show at Cowan Park in March. Fun League will run Wednesdays, May 17-June 21st $50 per person.
Our Exchange Student Lisa van Someren will be here from Australia on the weekend. Staying with Francis Stevens and family to start. Still looking for host families. She will be here until December so please consider some activities to include her in.
We will have our Polio Plus 1,500 penny sale on January 23rd. Please bring an item in for the sale and be prepared to purchase tickets for $15. you will get a number of tickets to drop into different items. Winners will be by random draw.
Next Week we will have a presentation on Chinese Culture from Julia Luan of Shen Yun Performing Arts
Rotary December 19th
Presiding: President Bruce Cunningham
Invocation: Stephen Sears
50/50 Joe Odumodu
Announcements: The next meeting will be January 9th 2017
Happy Holidays to everyone !
Programe: Our guest speaker today was SANTA CLAUSE alis Ron Archer from the
Ingersoll Club. Introduced by Rosemary George and thanked by Hazel Powell.
Ron and his wife Linda have been foster parents for many years. Hosted exchange
Students and been active in the Children’s Aid Society of Oxford. Ron has been Santa on 144 occasions these past few weeks and the donations he receives go into
the endowment fund to assist children with scholarships when the age out of the
Care of the Children’s Aid. He is passionate about helping children be the best they can be. Santa and his Elf were delightful guests at this luncheon.
Hazel Powell led us in a twelve days of Christmas participation exercise, followed
by a sing along of Christmas Carols played by Brian George on the piano.
See everyone January 9th!
Rotary Rays December 12, 2016
Presiding: President Bruce Cunningham
Location : Quality Inn and Suites
Invocation : Stephen Sears
50/50 : won by Olga Mckellar
Guests: Nathan Sears and Mrs. Sears
Fines and Happy Bucks
-Rick Shaheen paid a Happy Buck for the success of the Auction
-John Currie announced the last call for Hams
-Mike McMahon paid a fine for having missed meeting
-Stephen Sears happy to be married for 33 years
Guest Speaker: Nathan Sears, Introduced by his father Stephen Sears
and thanked by Hazel Powell
Rotary Rays December 5, 2016
Presiding: President Bruce Cunningham
Location: Quality Inn and Suites
Invocation: Stephen Sears
Guest Glen Murray
-Woodstock-Oxford Club has announced that they will match our donation of
$3, support the BE SAFE App
-Reminder that the Christmas Luncheon will be held Dec. 19th at the Quality Inn
tickets on sale for $25.00
-Contact John Currie if you wish to purchase a Christmas Ham
-Polio Plus Gift Certificates are available till Dec. 19th
Birthdays None
Rotary Anniversaries : Lisa Wells four years, Ron Fraser and Craig Van Wees six years.
Fines and Happy Bucks:
-Craig Van Wees fines for no badge
-Rick Correia won the 50/50 so donated to the cow
Rotary Rays Template
Date: Monday, October 31st
Presiding – President Bruce Cunningham
Location – Quality Hotel & Suites
Writer – Ted Beynen
Welcome Guests: Mary Holmes & Paul Wright
Rotary District – Leadership Training – November 5th
Rotary District – Membership Summit – November 19th
Rotary District – Foundation Grants Qualification – November 26th
President Bruce – Update from Board of Directors Meeting
50/50 – Winner and card drawn
Ron Fraser pulled the Queen of Hearts and won $10.00
Birthdays and Anniversary’s .....Cont.
Annual Wes Magill award presentation meetingDate: Monday October 3rd, 2016 Presiding – President Bruce Cunningham
Location – Quality Hotel & Suites
Writer – Ted Beynen
Rotary Roses, deadline coming up, would like tickets and cash back on October 24th. Roses are being packed on November 4th and deliveries November 5th. Will be delivering to Simcoe, Delhi, London, Cambridge & Tillsonburg.
Bruce Burbank Announces that Music Festival AGM will be held October 24th.
No Meeting Next Monday – Thanksgiving
Quality Hotel has lowered our lunch commitment from 25 to 20 due to declining attendance. Room location may change week to week, need to check reader board when arriving to hotel.
50/50 – Richard Holmes drew the 10 of Spades to win $10
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Happy Birthday Gareth Price – October 1st
Happy Birthday Stephen Sears – October 8th
Sergeant at Arms -..... Continued
Presiding – Ted Beynen
Location – Quality Inn
Writer – Lynn Beath
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Rotary anniversary: Olga McKellar 11 years with this club
Sergeant at Arms -
·Happy BucksAdam Shaw- attended CAST production Into the Woods starring 20 years of alumni in one final production
Lynn Beath- first happy buck; celebrating a wonderful vacation with her daughter’s family and spending last Monday celebrating her granddaughter’s 3rd birthday
2nd happy buck was for the August Pod since she was not available to assist due to vacations.
Dr. Robert Reed: happy buck as today is his wife’s birthday and a few days ago they celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary
Committee Reports:
Paint Night- Melissa reported that the most recent paint night should bring in around $1500. The December nite is almost sold out. She will be looking for donations soon.
Foundation- Olga reminded everyone that 2016-2017 marks 100 years for Rotary International Foundation. The Foundation was started with $26.50 and has grown over the years to the point where last year it spent over 1 billion and has assets of 3 billion. She is looking for ideas for marking this year.
Youth Committee-
Dragon Boat Fun League- Rick- finished for the season however boats are still being rented
Dragon Boat Festival- Dave reports still working on the numbers
Rotary Roses- Melissa – Rotary Roses to be delivered the first Saturday of November – tickets should become available mid-sept
Past President Ted reminded members of the upcoming District Conference in Niagara and read a thank you note from one of the Music Festival award recipients. He also announced that the Woodstock-Oxford Club would be hosting their meeting next week at the Farm Show.
Program – Victoria Quilters Canada – Valarie
Introdouced and thanked By: Don Fulkerson
Valery provided information on the new Oxford branch of Victoria Quilters Canada which makes quilts for people living with cancer. The supplies required to make the quilts are funded entirely through donations. The Oxford Branch meets 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at the Sally Creek Recreation Centre. For more information
Presiding: Lisa Wells in Bruce’s absence
Location: Quality Inn
Meetings Minutes: Holly Hebert
Guests: Jim Northcott, friend of Dr. Reid
50/50: Olga McKellar was happy winning King hearts
Birthdays and Anniversaries: No Birthdays
Dave Harris 24 years, Don Fulkerson: 40 years, Dr. Reid 57
Paul Cluff, 2years with Rotary
No sick and Visiting.
Sergeant at Arms: Cliff Zaluski
No fines today
Happy Bucks: Bruce Burbank was sharing his California trip experience
Melissa Pike brought her painting from Paint Nite, was really happy with the turn out
Mike McMahan’s friend is an Iron man competitor
Adam Shaw watched the Tragically Hip concert at a friend’s place, and also will be back on stage this Fall.
Ted Beynen had a great time at Blue Mountain even when having to walk down the mountain.
Hazel Powell is excited to be leaving for her vacation to Calgary in two weeks.
Committee Updates: Melissa Pike discussed Paint NIte, 99 people attended, next event is Dec 2nd.
Rick Correia set up Dragon boat pictures slide show and they are also available on the website.
Lisa Wells is still looking for volunteers for Sept for boat rentals.
Melissa Pike advised that Rotary Roses is Nov 5th so get ready for sales, packing and delivering.
Don Fulkerson mentioned there are a few outstanding dues, please pay asap.
Program: Bruce Burbank introduce Rachel Kuehnel from THE HAUS.
CoffeeHaus: Where Community Meets Coffee
A Place for all to belong, café having programs such as Pay it Forward, having apartments on site, hosting community events, specialty nights, etc..
Presiding: President Bruce Cunningham
Location: Quality Hotel and Suites
Guests: Amy from the Museum, finished archiving our historical items. Prospective Rotarian Gerry Willard, guest of Ted
50/50 Draw - Ted Beynen 3 of spades
Birthdays and Anniversaries - Rick Correia's Birthday Melissa Pike - 5th anniversary
Sergeant and Arms - Robin - No fines. Happy bucks Dr. Reid - back at Rotary and recovering from his stroke. Melissa Pike, Olga - 100th Anniversary of Rotary Foundation
President Bruce presented Olga McKellar wih a 3 ruby Paul Harris Fellow identifying her as a significant and ongoing supporter of the Rotary Foundation. Congratulations Olga!
Fuka completed her final presentation to the club. She showed us a wonderful pictorial presentation of her time in Canada and all of the places she visited including her East Coast trip. She counted Canada Day on Parliament Hill as one of the highlights. She mentioned that she was disappointed in the amount of snow we received last winter. She expected a lot more. She will also miss Tim Hortons when she returns to Japan. She thanked her host families and all the Rotarians for a wonderful year. Her flight back to Japan is on July 23. Fuka has been a wonderful exchange student for our club this year.
President Bruce announced that the Board had approved Dave Harris and Don Stoddart for 1 year terms on the board to fill vacancies.
The meeting came to a close at 1:30 pm
June 13, 2016.
Rotary Meeting Minutes.
Woodstock Quality Inn.
President Ted called the meeting to order at 12:10.
O Canada!
Invocation. Chris Cunningham.
Guest: Ian Stevens.
50/50, won by Ian Stevens, he drew a King of Diamonds - donated the $10 back to Polio+
Sargent of Arms: Lynn Beath. Lynn accepted Happy Bucks.
President Ted talked about our Club collaborating with the United Way and possibly other groups on a Youth based project[s].
There was a consensus that we need to help the Youth of Woodstock and area, and concern was expressed from the floor that it may be too early to make a public announcement.
President Ted presented a plaque to Ian Stevens from Execulink as an expression of gratitude for Execulink’s donation to Polio Plus of $6600.00.
Ted played a presentation on the Rotary Convention coming to Atlanta in 2017.
Meeting Adjourned 1:25.
A few photos form the Cluster Dinner held by the Rotary Clubs in Oxford County.
(If reading in your email, click the link above to see all images on our club's website).
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President Ted presiding.
Location: Bullwinkles Eatery at the Moose Lodge Attendance: Ron and Graham Sergeant at Arms: Richard Invocation: Graham Birthdays and Anniversaries Dan F (May 3rd) Jessica, (Ifhan's Wife) Phil (May 11, Rotary Anniversary) Happy Bucks Rick, Richard, Ted and Lynn Sick and Visiting David Cunningham, Chris Cunningham's husband, is recovering well. Hazel informed us of the passing of Bill Budd, who presented his memories of flying a Lancaster bomber in the Second World War at our Nov 9th, 2015 meeting. Fulka Fulka discussed her past week's events, highlighted by her Soccer Team's game. Announcements REMINDER
Our Monday May 8th Meeting is the cluster meeting starting at 6 pm an the Quality Inn.
Rotary District 7080 2016 Conference Mike Gauthier, Program Chair, District 7080 Conference - 2016 provided details on this year's conference being held in Niagara Falls Oct 14-16. Melissa announced Paint Night on June 17h to raise funds for the Woodstock Rotary Club Splash Pad Project Lisa announced that the Dragon Boat Fun League will be starting up in the next couple of weeks and she will be organizing members to volunteer to launch the boats on Wednesdays from May 18th to June 22nd. Dave discussed upcoming activities for this year's Dragon Boat Festival and Dragon Boat Fun League and will be sending out a few emails with more information and links to the volunteer sign-up "sheets". Presentation
Lunch at Bullwinkles Eatery
Francis introduced our own Rotary Member, Vanessa Giuliano, who after preparing a delightful lunch buffet with the staff of Bullwinkles, discussed how Bullwinkles Eatery came about in cooperation with The Salvation Army, Operation Sharing, and the Moose Lodge and the "mandate" behind the operation.
Vennessa runs a culinary school for 6-8 students who receive food preparation training and cook for the restaurant. The skills learned will allow them to seek other opportunities in the community. The restaurant side is a pay what you can restaurant, and Bullwinkles is a progressive place breaking away from the ordinary soup kitchen idea. Currently it is operating Tuesday and Thursday and caters to a wide demographics of the community.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() REMINDER
Our Monday May 8th Meeting is the cluster meeting starting at 6 pm an the Quality Inn.
President Ted being ill, Robin presided.
Hazel welcomed members as they arrived while Fred took attendance.
When Robin called us to order at 12:10 O Canada was sung and a toast to Canada, the Queen and Japan was drunk.Rose asked the Invocation.
The only guest was Nigil who is well known to us all.
Twenty five were present.
After a tasty lunch of soup, salads and croissant sandwiches with cookies, Robin asked for sick and visiting reports. Ted was the only one mentioned. Melissa had a birthday to celebrate. Phil and James Stewart had Rotary anniversaries.
John C. did the 50/50. It was won by Fred who pulled the 5 of hearts.
There were a number of happy bucks – Tim, Liam, Bruce C.,Graham,. Graham was wearing shorts !!! Mike advertised a meeting to help deal with youth suicide in the area. Bruce told the tale of how our dock had escaped its moorings but by the mighty effort of James Stewart had been rounded up and reconfined. Those who attended the Leadership Training Event reported that it was a good event on the whole.
Graham and Francis reported that the Music Festival had gone swimmingly.The Club expressed thanks to Rose, graham and Francis for their efforts as well as all of the other Rotarians who had done their turns on the door.
Jocelyn is doing Directory revisions and requested everyone check their information in the directory she passed around and check it off so she does not need to phone.
Don F. will email RI to send receipts to any who have not yet received one.
Richard introduced (sort of) Rick Shaheen who did his Back Story in his usual competent style. He told of growing up in Woodstock, being given a Rotary Citizenship Award as a youth, his education in London and Quebec City, his return to Woodstock and his subsequent career. It was really good to get to know more about Rick and his family.Richard thanked Rick for his speech on behalf of us all.
Fuka reported on her really fun weekend during which she learned to play laser tag and bumper cars.
Graham reminded us that he needs hosts for the Scottish Curlers in Nov.
Robin adjourned the meeting at 1:15.
In the absence of President Ted, the meeting was conducted by Robin Ferro, a past president.
O Canada was sung and a toast offered to Canada, the Queen and Japan.
Olga offered the Invocation.
Robin noted there were no birthdays this week but Cliff was celebrating 12 Rotary years.Chris reported that David, her spouse, was now home after his liver transplant.
John C. conducted the 50/50 draw, won by Richard Holmes with a King of Clubs.
Graham reported on the Music Festival and asked for and got the remaining volunteers needed.
John C. was Sargent at Arms, collecting half a dozen happy bucks. several of them were thanks for Rose and Francis’ organization of the Music festival which is going smoothly. Richard reported on his buck about the Scottish curlers coming in Nov. 20. He will need host placements at that time.
Robin reminded all Rotarians of the other Club’s Fish Fry coming up. Those who want to sit at our table please let Bruce know.
Robin also reminded all Rotarians of the coming Leadership training Event in Cambridge.
Richard introduced Doug Eckel, former Rotarian, who had had polio when he was 20. Doug briefly covered the history of the polio Plus campaign and told the very personal story of his own battle with that disease. Hazel thanked Doug for an informative and interesting speech.
Robin adjourned the meeting at 1:15.
Presiding –Ted Location – Woodstock Quality Hotel Announcements BB and Sisters Yuker tournament coming up. Looking for teams 50/50 – Phil Laitar - 9 of Hearts
Birthdays and Anniversary’s Brian George birthday Cliff Zaluski rotary anniversary 13 years
Sick and Visiting - David Cunningham is heading home after a liver transplant please keep him in your thoughts and prayers
Sergeant at Arms - Mike McMahon
Fines Ifhan - getting excited for the warm weather a little early - has the A/C on high in the ladies restroom
Robin Ferro for reselling his Rotary penny sale winnings on Facebook for more than pennies.
Bob Reid - had some unusual activity occurring today - he was EARLY to rotary
Richard Holmes for taking advantage of the low attendance today at the buffet table.
Bruce Burbank - his CAS board has been infiltrated by rotary who will keep him on the straight And narrow - the lovely Mary Holmes
Happy Bucks Liam - to Melissa for being such an awesome mom and taking Lyla to disney Melissa - awesome time at Disney Olga - sump pump quit but the flood is all cleaned up John Currie - friend was nominated for a Juno award Frances - son Scott cracked his head open last week but is healing well Bob - gave Easter gift to family females of commutative coin for women's right to vote anniversary Phil - for winning 50/50 Ron - Eliana celebrated her 30th work anniversary on April 1st Ron sent her flowers with a card saying she has to work for another 5 years. Ted - went to sister-in-laws 3rd wedding at butterfly conservatory and he's heading to St Martine next week Graham had a great weekend and didn't have to put his skis away yet
Dragon boats - Rowbust team is down under in Australia winning lots of gold metals at the dragon boats worlds competition
Rose looking for cash boxes
Fuka - made the CASS soccer team. Got to help hide Easter eggs. Loves Easter.
Rotary Leadership training - April 16th in Cambridge, excellent opportunity
WO fish fry April 16th 5:30 - looking for people to attend so far 5-6 people going. All are welcome $40/ticket
April 28th WDDS open house
No meeting May 9th instead evening meeting as a Cluster dinner. More details to follow.
Program – Intrdouced and thanked By: Olga McKellar
Speaker : Jackie McLeod - Health and Humour
Notices at a very early age she noticed that her mom had a sad heart, but the thing she appreciated the most was to hear her laugh. She realized that Humour is important aspect to lifting your spirits. |
President Ted called the meeting to order at 12;10 with the singing of O Canada, the toast to the Queen, to Canada and to Japan.
Adam gave the Invocation.
Melissa reported that Craig’s Dad, Peter Van Weiss had died.
Ted’s son has had further good news on the success of his cancer treatment..
Chris Cunningham’s Partner, David, is in London hospital waiting for a liver transplant. His need is urgent and Chris asks for all our prayers.
50/50 was managed by Cliff. Despite Ron’s eager response, Melissa won with an 8 of clubs.
Ron paid a fine for his eagerness; Melissa paid a fine for her winnings! There were several happy bucks: Bob Reid who apparently went to Church with a donkey last Sunday, Nigil and Ted.
Bruce reported that Adam had paid for his Jan.25 polio tickets!Yeah Adam!!!
Francis reported that she had been successful in finding an excellent RYLA candidate.
Graham has put the time sheet for the Music Festival on the computer. If every Rotarian signs up for one space we shall be well covered. ONE TIME SLOT PER ROTARIAN. DO YOUR SHARE.
Fuka reported that she has had a great March Break. She went bowling; she drank a St. Paddy’s green shake and went to Dairy Queen twice. She visited with her family on Facebook which was a real treat.
Rick handed out Dragon Boat Fun League Posters to be posted around town.
David reminded Dragon boat Co. of the meeting on Thurs. at 11:30 at the Bistro.
Ted announced the Woodstock Oxford’s meeting with Julia Phelps on Mar.31 and reminded all about the leadership workshop on Apr.16.
Mike introduced Chris Friesen and Miranda Fuller from the Future Oxford Partnership. Chris gave a brief introduction to how the organization had developed. Miranda showed an informative power point presentation of what Sustainability means, how in Oxford it stands on 3 legs: economy, community and environment, where the Oxford Sustainability Plan is at the moment and how they propose to move forward with it in the future. Miranda is the paid director and only staff working with “Future Oxford Partnerships”. Chris chairs a board of volunteer directors who support Miranda and her work.They have come a long way in 2 years.
Mike thanked Chris and Miranda on behalf of the Club.
Ted adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
Date: MARCH 14, 2016
Presiding – Ted Beynen
Location – Quality Inn Woodstock, Ontario
Writer – Bruce Burbank
St. Patrick’s Day theme for today’s meeting and thanks to Melissa and Bruce C. there was plenty of green things in the room, including leprechaun hats for the members with Irish blood.
Rosemary George announced that Woodstock Little Theatre is hosting a drama festival this week and encourage everyone to attend.
Bruce C. reminder everyone about the Woodstock/Oxford Club’s annual fish fry on April 16 and suggested that our club try and get together a table for the event.
50/50 – Ted pulled the 8 of spades
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Sergeant at Arms – Melissa Pike
·Happy Bucks
Lynn Beath celebrated the birth of her first grandson – first name Fergus.
Rick Corea had an excellent Caribean vacation.
Cliff participated in the annual Rotary snowmobile ride in Quebec.
John Curry celebrated the birth of a great niece.
Graham Hart spend last week in South Carolina and attended a Rotary meeting in Charleston, S.C. He had some interesting political discussions.
Mike McMahon reported a successful Leafs alumni game that raised $17,000.
Phil sent his daughter off on her a trip to Ottawa with plenty of advice and reminders from mom & dad.
Program – Cliff introduced long time member Rosemary George who gave her re-classification talk. Rosemary shared her story of growing up in Woodstock with a Rotary father. She is one of the first female members of our club. Rick Shaheen expressed appreciation for what Rosemary has contributed to our club over the years.
Fuka gave us an update on her activities of the past week.
Ted showed two videos on the value of attending Rotary training sessions.
Meeting was adjourned at 1:15
Presiding –Ted Location – Woodstock Quality Hotel Writer – Melissa
50/50 – Holly Hebert - 4 of clubs
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Sick and Visiting - all are well and healthy
Sergeant at Arms - Melissa Fines
Happy Bucks
Program – Introduced and thanked By: Bruce Burbank Speaker : Michelle Quintin - Goodwill Provided a very informative discussion about the full scope of Goodwill Industries and all the great things they do from helping people find better employment to improvements for the environment. |
Presiding: President Ted Beynen
Guests: Nigel Millington, past Rotarian, City of Woodstock guests; Brian Connors Director of Parks and Rec., Chris Kern Parks Supervisor, Patrick King - Aquatics Supervisor.
Invocation: Robin Ferro
Sergeant At Arms: Robert Reid. The writer was distracted and did not take notes for this.
50/50 Draw: Don Stoddart drew the Ace of Clubs – earning him 10% of the 2 week old pot.
Speaker: Tony DeJongh of ABC Recreation Products on a proposed splashpad at Woodall Park.
Tony showed the club photos of a number of different splashpads and recreational facilities that they have built and one that was proposed for Donald Thompson Park a few years ago. Each one is customized for the needs of the community. Most have a drain away design where water is used once and sent into storm sewers. Because of the splashpad proximity to our baseball fields a grey water option may be used which would see the water used for irrigation of the grass fields. A rubberized base is an option but brings increased risk of bacteria vs cement pad. Cost estimates are between $160,000 to $180,000. The City of Woodstock is looking for community partners to assist with the capital cost. Branding could be built into the facility through patterns on the pad or in feature design. A promise could be made with funding to follow. The City is flexible on this. The Board of Directors will discuss and see what options for funding are available.
No meeting next week due to Family Day.
Meeting Chaired by President Ted Beynen
Guests: Lyla Pike, Chris Friesen , Principal of WCI with students Taylor and Chloe
Grace lead by Don Stoddart
50/50 draw won by Holly Hebert drew at King for a $10.00 win
Sick and visiting no one on the list
Fines and Happy Bucks:
-Bruce and James were fined for their summer attire
-Members who were not in attendance at the Christmas dinner were asked to pay a dollar
-Liam went with the WCI Team to Ridley College
-Rose went to the Rose Bowl Parade in LA, great to see how the floats are put -together. However the best view of the parade is on the TV
-Ted was happy to pay for all the Rotary coverage in Snap’d of the Christmas Lunch
-Rick paid a happy buck since this was his first meeting of 2016. He and his family had a Holiday in St. Lucia
Thank You to Judy who waits on us every Monday at the Quality Inn, was presented
with a token of our appreciation. In return she wished us all Good Health in the New Year.
-Mark your Calendars for October 14,15,16 , District Conference in Niagara Falls
Pres. Ted asked all Chairs of Committees to take pictures of events to be posted
at the conference.
-Dragon Boats- The date for the Festival 2016 will be August. 6.2016
Planning meeting will start soon. New members are welcome
-Youth Committee-we still need people to pickup Fuka at CASS Frances will
send out a new e-_mail signup sheet
-Meals on Wheels send out a letter of appreciation for the drivers in Dec.. Bruce
reported that all dates were filled with two people.
Polio Plus- Mark your Calendars for January 25th for the Annual Re Gift event.
Remember to bring $15.00.
Rosemary George Introduced our Guests Mr. Chris Friesen, and Students Chloe and Taylor who spoke about their exchange to Taiwan in 2015 the plans to have students
come to Woodstock April 25-May 5th 2016 The Students presented a Video
of their experiences in Taiwan noting especially how long the school day is there.
Rec George Mackay was a Missionary from Embro , who is responsible for the bonding of Woodstock to Taiwan. Seventeen students from WCI had the trip of a
lifetime. The students experience sending off lantern into the sky with wishes for
good health and success. Their host thought that we eat hot dogs for breakfast,
but quickly replace them for fruit. They were given many gifts and shown great
It is now Woodstock’s turn to show everyone Oxford County, our School, our
City and land marks like Niagara Falls to give the students from Taiwan a sample
of our culture.
![]() Most of the major costs for this exchange have been covered, buses, lodging and
meals , however donations would be helpful in providing souvenirs, such as a CD
of the places that they will see on their travels. Twenty three students and six adults
will be past of the exchange
It was suggested that the Rotary Cluster could consider making a donation.
Rosemary George thanked our guests for their presentation.
Meeting adjourned.
Presiding – President Ted Location – Quality Inn Greeter – Ifhan H. Attendance – Chris C. Invocation - Jocelyn J. Minutes – Jocelyn J. 50/50 – Lynn B
Guests: Glen Murray Ian Stevens Karen Chalmers Cheryl Ewing Sue Thompson
50/50 : Winning Ticket # 618934 Winner: Ron Fraser Card: King of Hearts
Rotary Anniversaries: Frances S. – 5 yrs Dec 6 Lisa W. – 3 yrs Dec 10 Ron F. – 5 yrs Dec 13 Don F. – 5 yrs Dec 13 Craig V. – 5 yrs dec 13
Polio Plus: Olga reported that the club has raised over $600 through Christmas Gift program and that Execulink is making a $6600 donation. This will result in 33,000 vaccinations
Meals on Wheels: We need more people to help for the week in January
Christmas Lunch: Reminder to purchase your tickets for $20 each before December 11
Guest Speaker: Sheryl Ewing spoke about the project in Nogales Mexico. There will be 300 soccer balls and 400 coats going in January 2016.
Shoebox Auction: Today our members raised over $1700 to support the Nogales project in Mexcio!
Call to order: Ted Beynen
Invocation: Phil Laitar
Birthdays: Lisa Wells, Bruce Cunningham
Sick & Visiting: Ted gave a positive outlook for his son.
50/50 draw: Stephen Sears won with 8 of spades
Sargeant of Arms: Francis Stephens
5 People pre-paid fines for undisclosed transgressions. Ted Beynen for missing meeting and trip to Aruba.
Happy Bucks: Rick Shaheen for Richard’s pile of leaves
Brian Cunningham: Weekend Rotary District meeting. Other district meetings coming up.
Don Stewart: Oxford farmers donation of $10,000 for defibrulaters.
Chris Cunningham: Southgate Centre won awards of excellence.
Stephen Sears: Never gambles but won 50/50 draw
Committee Reports
Dragon Boats
Dave Harris: Projection of $30,000 profit
Youth Committee
Francis Stevens: Sign up list for picking up Fuka. No application for upcoming Rotary exchange yet.
Polio Plus
Fundraising starting soon. An example of increasing your contribution 10 times.
Rotary Hams
On sale now. $25.00 for a blackforest ham or smoked ham from Medema’s
Christmas Meeting
Will be on December 14th
Thank you from VON
Next Meeting
Will be at C.A.S.S.
Presiding – Melissa Pike Location – Quality Inn Greeter - Bruce C took on Greeter (thank you Bruce) Attendance - Phil Invocation - Frances S. Sergeant at Arms - Frances S Minutes - Phil 50/50 The bin with our materials, including the deck of cards, was unavailable this meeting. Announcements Rose is asking if anyone has unused calendars for 2016 available if they would bring them in so that they can be provided to prisoners who do not have access to them. Dragon Boats: Dave H reported that the races this year raised over $29,000! Youth Exchange: Frances read (a small part) of an email from Maria. Maria is missing Canada and is still planning a visit in a few years but currently she is hard at work on exams after presenting to both Rotary and her school about her experiences during her exchange her in Woodstock and Canada. Francis is still looking for outbound students for the coming year exchange period. AGM Meetings: Both the club’s Annual General Meeting and the Foundation AGM will be held on Monday, Nov. 30th at our regular meeting time. Membership Summit Meeting: Rotary will be holding a Membership Summit Meeting in Cambridge on Sat. Nov. 26th from 8:30 am - 3 pm. and District 7080 President Meeting on Nov 19th from 5:30 pm to 8:30pm in Milton. President Ted is hoping that some members will be able to attend. Interested members please speak with Ted for more details. 62ND Annual Rotary CAN-AM Curling Bonspiel: Hosted by ROTARY CLUB OF BARRIE will be held at the Guelph Curling Club on January 21-23, 2016. Visit for more information.
Birthday & Anniversary Paul C’s birthday - Nov 7th Don F’s wife Michelle is celebrating a birthday Lynn B - 5th Rotary anniversary Sergeant at Arms - Frances S. Happy BucksChris C. - South Gate Centre nominated for the Community Involvement Award in the Woodstock District Chamber of Commerce Business Awards of Excellence. Lynn B - For being one of the judges (along with Robin) at this year’s Soupstock on Nov 4trh hosted by DASO.
Don F - Shared his son’s successful performance in London. Bruce C - Motors from the Boat House are stored for the winter at James' business. Thanked Hazel, Ted, Don S. for attending a booth at the Farmer’s Market to raise awareness of Polio Plus and suggested that a great Christmas gift was to donate to Polio Plus in someone’s name. $50 will get you a certificate to present as part of the gift. Fines Frances did a little trivia ranging from Fuka’s Japanese food samples she provided us to Prime Ministerial Hallowe’en Costumes. Guest Speaker Fuka - Youth Exchange Fuka, dressed in traditional clothes worn at celebrations and graduations, presented a little about herself and her home. Japan is 20 times smaller than Canada but has a population of over 127 million people (Canada has around 35.1 million people). Tokyo, Japan’s capital, is home to the world's tallest building, the Sky Tree, at 634 meters (the CN Tower is 553 meters). Sensō-ji is an ancient Buddhist temple located in Asakusa, Tokyo, Japan. It is Tokyo's oldest temple, and one of its most significant. The Shinkansen is a network of high-speed railway lines in Japan. It operates at speeds up to 320 km/hour! Fuka is form Morioka, has a population of 298,000 and is is the capital city of Iwate Prefecture. It is located near the northern end of Japan and about 540 km from Tokyo. It is known for the Morioka Sansa Odori (Dance) Festival. Fuka attends an all girl school in Morioka. Compared to CAS, Fuka says (with a smile) each has it’s benefits. Fuck enjoys cooking, painting and eating (with her best friends) as past-times. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Ted – Called to order at 12:12pm
Invocation – Lisa Wells
No Guests (all present pointed out that Cliff Zaluski is a guest today)
Announcement: Later in meeting Olga and Bruce will be leading Jeopardy…or “Polio in Jeopardy” for Polio Plus
Birthday: Joe Odumodu October 23
Anniversary: Don & Phyllis Stoddart 51 Years
50/50 Winner: Dr. Reid (2 clubs) wins $2
Sergeant at Arms: Frances Stevens
- Election Trivia for Fines…no fines
- Lots of Happy Bucks
- No Miscellaneous Fines
1. Dragon Boats
a. Docks are out…thanks to the great crew
b. Rear of building remains to be painted
2. Youth
a. Nathan Sears updates that he has voted in our election…long trip to the Canadian Embassy in Prague was necessary to vote
b. Looking for 2016 Outbound Student
3. Polio Plus
a. Need volunteers for Saturday, October 24 at Woodstock Farmers Market 7am – 11am (hand out flyers and information)
4. District Conference 2016 – Announced for Niagara Falls in October 2016
5. Rotary Roses: Order Forms due October 26 at Rotary Meeting
6. Fuka Update:
a. Spent Thanksgiving Dinner with Steven Sears family…many relatives and great fun
b. Went to Canada’s Wonderland
c. Will be participating in the Rotary Haunted Run/Walk. Club members please watch your email for donations link to support Fuka
7. October 26 meeting at Birtch Room, Quality Inn & Suites
Meeting Adjourned
Presiding – Robin Ferraro
Location – Quality Inn
Announcements and Committee Updates:
Nathan arrived safe and sound in the Czech Republic and will be doing a blog on his exchange. (Francis)
Rotary Roses planning underway – there is a bit of a thorny issue with the increase in the price of roses.(Melissa)
There is a Board meeting next Monday at 10:15 at the Quality Inn (Rosemary)
Meeting of Polio Plus committee next Monday after the regular meeting (Olga)
Our club will be doing Meals on Wheels the week of Oct. 5 – a sign up sheet will be circulated and it will be on the website. (Fred)
50/50 – Winner and card drawn
Lisa Wells drew the 5 of hearts
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Sergeant at Arms -
Guest in the house is Will Pugh District Governor, Brian Bennett District Governor, Jacqui Murray who addressed us last week to remind us about the rib fest and all the activities of the Burlington Club. Laura Glenney a lovely lady who had a brother who was a Rotary Exchange student and now has been to the other Rotary Club in Woodstock who is coming to check us out to see if she would like to be a member of this club and whether we would like her to be a member of this club. We welcomed our new exchange student Fuka Higashiyama.
Special Events-: Olga Mackellar is been a Rotarian now for 10 years, Philip’s wife had a birthday, September 10th is going to be Fuka’s birthday, Paul Bennett who we have not heard from a long time has now returned to work after a long time of ill health. Ted’s son has return to work last Monday.
The Fifty Fifty draw was won by Fred Fenton with the Queen to Spades for $10.00.
Vanessa-: We would like the Blue Jays to keep their losing streak of one game. There were 46,000 people at the last game.
Francis also had a birthday. Ted is going to the Bahamas September 12th, 2015 and so he will not be with us next week.
Lynn Beath and her husband are going to spend 2 weeks in Italy. Rick Correia spent 2 weeks in Portugal. Roy had an anniversary of his best friend. Robert Reid’s wife had a birthday. Chris Cunningham said that one of her sons is in Australia and one is in the Banff Springs Hotel as a grounds keeper. At the Southgate Center September 12th, they are going to have everybody participate in the Golf Tournament; the Bob McFarland Golf Tournament at the Meadows.
Vanessa asked questions like; “what did Nathan Sears have before he left for Czechoslovakia Tim Hortons Double Double?” We had another question which was and the answer was to end Polio now. What was the significance of the Korean Pop Tune? It was in the 2015 convention.
Rotary Minutes For Meeting Held Monday August 24th, 2015
Visitors were Rotarian Jacqui Murray from the Burlington Lakeshore Club her brother Ed Cowie (from here in Woodstock). Francis had her daughter Allison with us.
Announcements: Robert and Marjorie Reid are going to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and Michelle & Don Fulkerson their 39th anniversary. Paul Cuff is celebrating his 1st Rotary anniversary.
Sick and visiting-: Brenda from our music festival had a liver transplant and is doing well so far. She was very fortunate to find a donor.
Vanessa acted as our sergeant at arms. Philip’s daughter Ana was on the silver stage of the The Duke of Edinburgh's Award and that his younger daughter Emily went to Ottawa with her grandmother. Ted had to get away. Robert Reid celebrates his 50th wedding anniversary and Richard Holmes was very happy about something.
Student Exchange-: Francis reported that our new Rotary student will be arriving on August 25th and her name is Fuka Higashiyama and she will be going to CASS.
Jacqui Murray from Burlington Lakeshore said that Will Pugh is our district governor and he will be coming to visit us. District conference is September 18th, 19th and 20th. The Saturday and the Sunday we will be outside in a tent and it is One Hundred dollars ($100.00) for the weekend. They are promoting literacy and then there is a Ribfest in Burlington on Labor Day and that’s from Thursday until Labor Day Monday all sponsored by the Rotary Club of Burlington Lakeshore.
MUSIC FESTIVAL- Unfortunately Gary Baumbach has decided not to carry on his role in the Music Festival. Rosemary George says she would fill that role temporarily until we can get a permanent person and she will meet with the music teachers. We will review the 2016 appointments. We should consider whether or not the music festival should go from 3 weeks to 2 weeks because we are very low on some categories. However despite the attendance the finances are good. There is Eleven Thousand dollars ($11,000.00) in the operating budget and Seventy Six Thousand ($76,000.00) dollars in investments. The numbers are declining and so we have to look at that seriously.
Don Fulkerson and Francis Stevens have acted as joint treasurers for the last two years and our new finance committee is being set up with Don Fulkerson, Francis Steven, Liam McCreery and Ifhan Hudda. We are going to have fire side chats about new members.
President Ted played a video by Michael McQueen on membership and the role of Rotary today. It asked what type of new members we would like. As well he asked us to consider if clubs are adapting to change and to consider if clubs are the “Lego Team” of the “Mechano Team”. Or the “Bell Network” or the “Kodak Company” (the later in each case is no longer around) and so we have to have a clear picture of Rotary. He gave us three habits of enduring companies and number one is recalibrating change in alignment with who we are. As an example, Kodak only considered themselves a film company (an next to no one uses film today) but if they had asked how they could have helped customers keep their memories they may still be in business today. Rotary needs to consider:
1. What is our Rotary DNA: Our Values and Priorities. Our relevance cannot be compromised.
2. Reengineering: We have to reengineer. The rate of change outside often determines the necessity for change on the inside. Woodrow Wilson tried to make change as easy as we can but we are creatures of habit, we cannot lose our relevance. It is our most valuable asset but we need people with fresh eyes, new members; fresh eyes don’t know what they are looking at exactly and they ask questions like; why are we doing things that way? And we older Rotarians have to decide whether we are in a groove or in a rut. In days gone by artillery were hauled by horses and so there was an 8 second warning before they fire and long after horses left the scene people were still waiting 8 seconds before they fired the artillery gun and they had forgotten why they waited 8 seconds. So fresh eyes right away ring a bell to begin the meeting. Why do we spend money on meals? It is easier to give birth than to raise the dead so we will give birth to new ideas.
3. Reposition: Generation Y will give us a new opportunity. They are natural networkers and they want to give and 15% of the world population are under the age 30. We should be asking 5 questions to reposition yourself in your local community. It is very similar to sailing. If you have a headwind you must tack or go nowhere and we cannot fight against the winds of change but we can tack along to make progress in the direction that we want. If not we must be revolutionaries rather than evolutionary. What we find is old notes written on old school typewriters about people transporting disabled children. We still have a focus on children but we think about the elderly people as well. We are a service club and which are we service club oriented or fundraising club oriented.
And so next week we will have Will Pugh District Governor and Brian Bennett AEG.
Meeting chaired by Ted Beynen
Invocation Don Stoddart
Meeting was held at the Boat House at Roth Park , with Tod’s Dogs proving the Lunch
Fines and Happy Bucks:
-Rick C. has a new BLACK car-really grand!
-Stephen S. was fined because Don S had to say grace in his absence
-Rick S. spent three weeks at their cottage relaxing after the cleanup from a tornado flood, and tree planting.
-Robt R reported that the new telephone has a picture of Dragon Boats on the cover!
-Lisa W put out a plea for help and had a response within minutes from Gareth and Rick
-Bruce C paid a happy buck for good weather and good sailing while on holiday
-Ted B spent the weekend in Collingwood, was surprised it was Elvis Weekend!
-Frances S. Went on a canoe trip and experienced very few bugs.
-Dave Harris attended with Deb and friends the Walters Show and had a great time.
Correspondence: Pres. Ted announced to the club that Nigeria is well on the way to becoming POLIO Free. The last case was in 2014.
Program: Present Ted handed the meeting over to Dave Harris Chair of the Dragon Boats Committee.
![]() ![]() Dave reported that the event is Sold OUT! Fifty Two Teams , with three on the waiting list. The event will start at 8:30 AM and all schedules will be adjusted accordingly .
Next Tuesday a crew is required to take the boats across the lake.
Wednesday there will be practices so volunteers will be needed.
Thursday and Friday help is still required. Thursday the coarse will be set.
Friday John Brittian can us some help for on land set up from 9-noon.
Clean up crew would appreciate as much help as possible at 4:30 pm. Everyone will be tired so many hands will get the job done quickly
Meetings: Aug. 3, 2015 Holiday No meeting
Aug. 8, 2015 Dragon Boats
Aug. 10, 2015 No Meeting
Aug. 17, 2015 Board of Director’s meeting 10:15 am Quality Inn
Presiding – President Ted Location – Quality Inn Greeter - Don S Attendance - Rose G Invocation - Stephen S 50/50 - Holly H Sergeant at Arms - Don S Guests Deb & Melanie Harris Chris Byrness 50/50 Fred’s ticket was picked and he drew the Three of Diamonds for a $3 win. Congratulations Fred, it’s been a long time coming! Announcements Birthdays Rick C celebrating a birthday on July 21st Anniversaries Robin & Mary Linn Ferro - 20th anniversary on July 21st Melissa & Leigh Pike - 4th anniversary on July 23rd Joe & Maria Odumodu - 45th anniversary on July 25th Dragon Boats - Dave H Fifty Entries Received - We are Full! Volunteer Sign-up List circulated (hard copy this year) but if you haven’t signed-up please just arrive as we will need “all hands on deck”. Sponsorships are up this year but we are still looking for more heat sponsors. Lisa is looking for a member to launch the Dragon Boats on Sunday, July 21st (contact Lisa if you have the time, the club and Lisa will really appreciate it). Correspondence President Ted read a letter from the Oxford-Elgin Child & Youth Centre thanking the club for our donation supporting the Parent-Child Mother Goose Program. The Rotary Club of Ingersoll - 16th Annual Golf Tournament This years event will be held on September 11th at the Ingersoll Golf Club. Sergeant of Arms - Don S.Happy BucksChris C - Successful Cruise Night at South Gate.Bruce B - A great visit to “The Outer Banks” in N.C. Stephen S - Attended the 150th celebration of the Salvation Army, held in England. Stephen’s son Nathan finishing up his trip in Korea and moving on to Hong Kong and then Japan this summer. Robin F - Celebrating his wedding anniversary. Hazel P - A great time at the cottage and attending the play “Chicago”. Dave H - A relaxing week out of “cel” reach at a cottage while his daughters took care of the house. Robert R - Hope FM installed a new transmitter. Teb B - Updated us on his son’s progress. Challenges but coming along. Guest Speaker - Melanie Harris RYLA April 2013 Introduced and Thanked by Hazel P |
Meeting chaired by Chris Cunningham Invocation Don Stoddart 50/50 Rick Correia won $9.00 with the 9 of Hearts Fines and Happy Bucks: -Vanessa Giuliano has moved back to Woodstock but her house is much smaller and lots of stuff -Lynne Beath is having two of her three grandchildren for four days (4ys and 18 months) have fun Lynn -Bruce Cunningham Great sailing weather kayaking and a great holiday -Jocelyn Jenner ran a half marathon from Port Dover to Simcoe, Congratulations Jocelyn! -Rick Correia won the 50/50 with only one ticket -Graham Hart took his granddaughter canoeing near Dorset and they saw a Cow Moose with her baby. She wanted to go the next day to see them again Chris Cunningham enjoyed the lovely summer weather with her three sons home -Graham Hart had to have Lisa come to his rescue. He was to short to see how the truck starts. -Many Rotarians were fined for having their picture in Snap’d Dragon Boats: David reported that there are 30 teams confirmed. Firestone is putting in a team for the first time. There has been a change in the rules. Teams now require an equal number of men and women on the teams. Matt Hamilton is not available to use his crane to put in the boats. Anyone with leads please contact a Dragon Boat member. Sign up sheet will be out soon. Please keep the date free Guest Speakers: Were introduced and thanked by Hazel Powell Nathen Sears was our first presenter. Nathen is our out-bound student and His presentation gave us a look at his family, interest, travels in Canada from Coast to Coast and the Territories . Nathen moved to many places with his family as a member of the Salvation Army. He has excelled in Scouts and is now off to the World Jamboree in Korea. Nathen has traveled with the Salvation Army Band and participated in many parades. His next big adventure will be his exchange year in the Czech Republic. We wish this very confident young man every success. Our second speaker was David McKenzie MP for Oxford and a Past President of our Club. David gave an excellent overview of his four terms in Ottawa. David was first elected June 28, 2004. Two days later he was making a presentation at our Court House unveiling the bust of George McKay donated by Taiwanese Government. Setting up offices in Woodstock, and Ottawa was the next big task, with little time to spare. David has chaired many Government Committee and secretary to the Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Secretary in 2006 to the Minister of Public Safety, Stockwell Day. As Secretary to the Minister you attend all engagement he/she is unable to attend but you have no authority . In 2011 Served on the Justice and Human Rights Committee and in 2012 was the Government Whip and Private Members Committee, where private members bill are debated. This behind the sense information was most valuable to us all. Our meeting next week (July 13) will be President Ted's presentation and will be at the Quality Inn [Ed.]
O’ Canada - Eve (Vanessa G’s daughter) sang a wonderful bilingual version of O’ Canada Presiding – President Chris Location – Quality Inn Greeter - Richard H Attendance -Phil Invocation - Phil 50/50 - Ted Sergeant at Arms - Phil Guests Brian Bennet AG7080 Eve, Vanessa's Daughter 50/50 Our guest Brian Bennet’s ticket was picked and he drew the Five or Hearts for a $5 win. Announcements Dragon Boat - Dave H New Gold Sponsor - Leon’s Woodstock. Looking for Heat Sponsors. If members can ask contacts please let Dave know if you find someone that would like to contribute. Registered teams up to 30 so far. Volunteers needed for team practices throughout the July and into August. If using the tractor at the Boathouse please remember to turn the key to off (or the battery drains). Steering Arm on one boat needs some repairs. Polio Plus - Don F The club’s donation is $2669 Cribs for Kids - Bruce B Providing 60 cribs for young families in need. Helping infants in high risk environments. Clubs donation along with Leon’s providing cribs at a reduced price will go a long way in helping in the community. Breakfast for the Unbroken - Mike M A well attended event - A great success. While only raising $853 the first time out the awareness is priceless. Birthday & Anniversary Vanessa G. (Today) Ted B, Robin F, Don S (Tuesday) Rosemary G. (July 1st) Sergeant at Arms Phil L Happy BucksToo many to capture all the details but we had Vanessa, Rose, Olga, Robbin, Ted, Dave, Liam , Brian B & Chris Fines A little trivia in honour of Canada Day (& Dominion Day) along with the change in RI’s president as well as Chris handing the role to Ted in our own club. Outgoing President Chris’ SWAN SONG Chris went over the highlights from the last year of “Light up Rotary” and all our clubs events and projects. Too many to capture here! What another great year. Chris presented Ted B with the Gavel and the Dr. Sutherland Cain as Ted begins the new Rotary Year as our club’s President. |
Presiding – President Chris Location – Quality Inn Greeter - Richard H Attendance - Ted/Phil Invocation & 50/50 - Frances S. Sergeant at Arms - Frances S 50/50 Lynn B’s ticket was picked and she drew the Nine of Spades. Announcements
Birthday & Anniversary
Sergeant at Arms - Frances S. Happy Bucks
Fines Frances fined everyone $1 if they had not spent time with Maria. Guest Speaker Elaine Cougler - Self-published Author After retiring from teaching Elaine’s son “pushed” her to start writing her trilogy of historical fiction. It took Elaine six years to complete her first book as she had to learn the process herself utilizing various writer groups as support. During the presentation Elaine read short passages from the first two books in her trilogy. Stopping both at a “cliff hanger”! It was very entertaining. Elaine’s books, The Loyalist’s Wife & The Loyalist’s Luck, are available in Woodstock at Merrifield Book Shop or on-line at More information on Elaine’s third book in the The Loyalist Trilogy is available at her blog |
Presiding – Robin F
Location – Quality Hotel & Suites
Greeter &Sergeant at Arms - Ted B
Attendance & Invocation - Graham H
50/50 - Don F
Mike introduced Shannon, Francis, Anakin & Filomena McMahon
Francis introduced Alison Stevens
All able to join us on a PD Day at their schools.
Bruce C gave a quick overview of the Harvey Woods Loft's Grand Opening event. More than 100 people attended the presentation. Our two Rotary clubs donated $20,000 to this "fabulous project". Residence are now schedule to start moving in around September.
July POD. The Rotary Year will soon be complete so the PODs switch. Members of Don's POD now take on July.
Don S. announced that donations made in memory of his grandson have resulted in 8 AED Defibrillators being made available, so far.
Frances S announced that invoices for dues will be out soon and members this year can pay for their lunches either quarterly or yearly if they wish. This will also provide an invoice for lunches that can be used for business expenses.
50/50 – Don F
Robert R drew the Six of Hearts
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Rick S celebrating a birthday.
Paul Benedict - Sixth year Rotary anniversary.
Sergeant at Arms - Teb B
Ted did a round of Rotary Trivia
Ted B – Canada's performance in the FIFA Women's World Cup.
Mike M – That his kids joined him at today's meeting.
Bruce C – Attending the Medals Awards and for getting "most" of his sailboat in the water.
Don F – Enjoyed a trip to Washington DC and attended a Blue Jays game. And for his son getting a part in the Rocky Horror Picture Show being performed in London.
Robert R – Thanked Ifhan for providing an Italian lunch for Maria's presentation.
Program – Maria's Youth Exchange Year in Canada
Frances S introduced Maria.
During lunch Maria played a wonderful video/slide presentation created with other Youth Exchange Students in our district.
During her presentation Maria showed many more pictures of her time in Woodstock, Canada and New York City.
A few highlights from Maria's presentation of what Rotary's Youth Exchange means to her:
When Maria arrived she brought two suitcases. When she heads home soon she will only be taking back two suitcases...and four backpacks. Not too bad!
Presiding – President Chris Cunningham
Location – Quality Hotel & Suites
Writer – Ted Beynen
Ifhan Hudda announced bursaries for SERVICE ABOVE SELF and requested volunteers to attend high school graduation ceremonies.
Ted Beynen announced health issues with son and requested anyone that hasn’t responded to Bruce Cunningham’s email to confirm committee participation to respond if requested any changes otherwise will committees will stay status quo.
50/50 – Winner and card drawn
Rick Shaheen drew the 7 of Diamonds
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Graham Hart is celebrating his 24th Rotary Anniversary and his 46th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations Graham.
Sergeant at Arms -
Lisa Well – for smiling picture driving the tractor for Dragon Boats
President Chris for flag fiasco for Oh Canada
Garreth – motorcycle trip
Richard – 60 people thru house on weekend for WCI reunion
Rick C – Trip to emergency led to 8 day hospital stay but all good now
Bruce Burbank – Back from European vacation
Don Stoddart – money raised for 4 new defibrillators
Frances Stevens – presented an overview of Rotary Projects / What does Rotary do?
Phil Laitar – presented an overview of E-Club Meetings / Make-UPS
Sample of web pages about eClubs and some eClub sites to visit for make-ups.
Rotary Intl eClub page:
Rotary Intl Find a Club page (incl. eClubs):
Rotary eClub of Canda One page:
Rotary eClub One (District 5450/First Web-based Rotary Club:
Call to order : President Chris Cunningham
Invocation: Mike McMahon
Guest Introduction: John Gilvesy Assistant District Governor, Patricia Marshall District Governor, Emily Ann, Brian and Tom from Ingersoll Club
Guest Speakers: Haja Wilson and Ellen Hutchinson on Polio Eradication
Emily – On Ryla
50/50 Draw – Ann from Ingersoll club won the draw
Festival of the Stars finished up on Friday night – Special thanks goes to Gary for all his work on the festival and to all of the volunteers who worked during the festival
Dave Announced that Chris from Cathcart Auto Parts has donated a truck for our Dragon Boats
Lisa Announced that we are still in need of volunteers for boat launches
Presentation: Haja and Ellen spoke on the Eradication of Polio and Living with Polio
Emily spoke on her week at Ryla
Call to Order: 12:18 by President Chris Cunningham
Olga McKellar – Invocation
Guest Introduction: None
Lunch: Japanese themed lunch graciously presented by Judy and Quality Hotel & Suites Staff
John Currie – 50/50
Drawn by David Harris
Won by John Currie
Presiding – President Chris Cunningham Location – Woodstock Quality Hotel
Announcements - spaghetti dinner April 28th 5:30-8pm $10 adults, $5 kids (under 3 free) to support our exchange student Maria
Fun League - May 20, 7pm start date. It's time to sign up! Let's get the message out there!
Meals on Wheels - coming up. Be sure to sign up
Dragon Boats - looking for rental coordinator to put boats in. Also looking for boat house steward. If you are able to help out please contact Dave Harris
50/50 – Dave Harris - Ace of Diamonds - 15%
Birthdays and Anniversary’s None
Sick and Visiting - Melissa gave an update on Ron's progress. He's doing well after surgery last week and results are good. Hoping to be home soon.
Sergeant at Arms - • Fines
John Szaz - no name badge
• Happy Bucks
Melissa - vacation in Florida Hazel - good turn outs at the music festival Adam - attended daughter's first horse show. She did awesome. Bruce - family arriving for a visit and Bruce is on taxi duty while they are here Gareth - got out on his bike in the nice weather Harris - 50/50 winnings Bob Reid - Gary is doing a fantastic job running the music festival Rick Shaheen - proud to be a Rotarian at the Breakfast for the Unbroken - great job Mike Mahan
Program – Introduced and thanked By: Bruce Burbank
Speaker : David Mayberry: County Warden
Shared information about who he is and his history. Also spoke about rotary in the community And his admiration for our many projects.
Provided and update for what's happening and projects under way in Oxford County. |
Presiding – President Chris Cunningham Location – Woodstock Quality Hotel
Announcements - spaghetti dinner April 28th 5:30-8pm $10 adults, $5kids (under 3 free) to support our exchange student Maria
Fun League - May 20, 7pm start date. It's time to sign up! Let's get the message out there!
Meals on Wheels - coming up. Be sure to sign up
Dragon Boats - looking for rental coordinator to put boats in. Also looking for boat house steward. If you are able to help out please contact Dave Harris
50/50 – Dave Harris - Ace of Diamonds - 15%
Birthdays and Anniversary’s None
Sick and Visiting - Melissa gave an update on Ron's progress. He's doing well after surgery last week and results are good. Hoping to be home soon.
Sergeant at Arms - • Fines
John Szaz - no name badge
• Happy Bucks
Melissa - vacation in Florida Hazel - good turn outs at the music festival Adam - attended daughter's first horse show. She did awesome. Bruce - family arriving for a visit and Bruce is on taxi duty while they are here Gareth - got out on his bike in the nice weather Harris - 50/50 winnings Bob Reid - Gary is doing a fantastic job running the music festival Rick Shaheen - proud to be a Rotarian at the Breakfast for the Unbroken - great job Mike Mahan
Program – Introduced and thanked By: Bruce Burbank
Speaker : David Mayberry: County Warden
Shared information about who he is and his history. Also spoke about rotary in the community And his admiration for our many projects.
Provided and update for what's happening and projects under way in Oxford County. |
Presiding – President Chris Cunningham
Location – Quality Hotel and Suites, Vansittart Room
Writer – Robin Ferro
Innvocation – Vanessa Guiliano
Guests – Mike from Stoney Creek club, Mary Holmes – Richard’s wife, Doug Eccel – former member, Norm Narancik – W/O club member, John Garton – W/O club member.
50/50 – Richard Correia was winner and drew the 4 of Spades for $4 winning.
Birthdays/Anniversaries – Dave Harris celebrating birthday on March 19th, also Larry Moore , Friend of Rotary and former member is celebrating a birthday this week.
Sergeant at Arms – Vanessa ran a trivia contest for St Patrick’s Day + Rotary Magazine however all table groups provided correct answers.
Happy Bucks- Don Stoddart just back from Cruise and only gained a few pounds. John Currie was happy to see a picture of Kerry Ltd factory on display from Scottish Curling tour slideshow. Mary Holmes was happy to return from 9 day road trip. Vanessa was happy kids were off for March break with no school. Rick Correia was happy for 50/50 winnings plus was handing our Fun League posters for DB club. Melissa went to a Garth Brooks concert and was impressed. Bruce Cunningham offered to train new members on DB safety techniques. Mike was visiting us from Stoney Creek club and was selling raffle tickets for motorcycle.
Announcements – Those attending the Rotary Dinner on Monday March 23rd in Guelph should plan on meeting at Salvation Army parking lot across from Quality Inn at approx 5pm to load the bus.
Guest Speakers were Richard Holmes and Graham Hart and they discussed their 1 month trip of Scotland last fall for the bi-annual Rotary Curling tour. This event started in 1957 and has continued uninterrupted ever since. Only select Rotary clubs are involved. This year 23 curlers from Canada went to Scotland. In 2016 the Scottish curlers will visit Canada. The trip is very worthwhile and allows you to develop life-long friendships as well as experience the Scottish lifestyle. While on the tour you are boarded by various Rotarian families. When you are not curling you are toured around the sites of the cities, towns and country –sides. If you are interested in the next trip in 2018 to Scotland please speak with Richard or Graham about their experience.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm
March 9, 2015 – Quality Inn Woodstock
President Chris Cunningham presiding
Writer – Vanessa Giuliano
Birthdays & Anniversary’s - Rose & Brian George 31st Wedding Anniversary
50/50 – Rick Shaheen Joker drawn (not clubs) for 15% of pot
Sergeant at Arms – Melissa small fire at house where glass container broke and scented candle a light, at least the house smelled nice.
Happy Bucks – Dr Reed – Cliff & Bruce Cunningham
Committee updates:
Rotary Rays March 2, 2015
Presiding: President Chris Cunningham
Location: Burtch Room Quality Hotel and Suites
Today's Meeting featured Dave Geunther from the Woodstock YMCA talking about the Strong Kids Campaign. Read more by clicking below
To days meeting was hosted at the South Gate Centre by President Chris.
Lunch was sampling chili made by six different vendors, with lemon pie for desert.
Introduced by Vanessa Guiliano
John Klein Geltink spoke about the programs of Operations Sharing.
Operation Sharing has been in Woodstock for 33 years and in Ingersoll for 6 years. Their programs include Food for Friends, In out of the Cold and The Christmas Place.
Food for Friends asks the public to donate 25 cents as they check out at local grocery stores. Cards are then signed out to people in need to buy non taxable groceries of their choice. This has been especially valuable for people who are diabetic.
The Christmas Place offers new donated items and a day for parents and a day for children to shop at very low prices for Christmas gifts.
Matt Baleka is in charge of In out the Cold held at Old St. Paul’s Church from November to April . Doors open from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm. A warm safe place is provided with food donated from local restaurants. More men than women use this place. The shelter has been operating for eleven years. Everyone must leave by 7:00 am. There is a need for volunteers, especially to do laundry.Anyone wanting a shower can do so at the YMCA.
Both presenters were thanked by Don Stoddart
12:05, Meeting called to order by President Chris.
50/50 Winner: Lynn, and she drew an Ace.
Birthdays: Ron Fraser is turning 39 on January 24.
Sergeant at Arms: Liam collected many happy bucks, including $4 from Stephen, who was very happy to have survived his chilly journey to Beautiful Northern Ontario.
Fines: Everyone is supporting the Seahawks in the Super-Bowl, so no fines.
Guest Speaker: Tim introduced the Mayor of Woodstock, Mr. Trevor Birtch.
Trevor talked about his life journey, his campaign to be Mayor, and the importance of giving.
Tim thanked Trevor, and informed him that our Club would be paying to immunize 50 children against polio in Trevor’s name.
![]() President Chris adjourned the meeting at 1:23.
Presiding – President Chris Location – Quality Inn
50/50 Robert R ticket won the 50/50 draw
Birthdays and Anniversaries Wedding Anniversaries: Frances and Ian Stevens – 16 years
Rotary Anniversaries: Fred F – 46 years Richard H– 23 years Hazel P – 7 years Don S– 28 years
Birthdays: Ifhan H – Dec 23 Bill M – Jan 5 Jackie (Ted B’s wife) – Jan 1
Board Meeting The January meeting will take place on January 19th
Rotary Hams Over 200 hams were sold during this year’s campaign raising $900
Dragon Boat Festival The Dragon Boat Fun League will have a booth at the 2015 Woodstock Recreation and Leisure Fair in March 2015. Princes Mulan (Disney Character) will be joining us this year.
RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) Frances is seeking applicants for this year’s Leadership Camp. Applicants must be a post-secondary student. Email Frances if you require an application form
Update from Maria Maria had a wonderful holiday attending a lot of parties – more than she is used to. She went to Barrie where she tried snowboarding for the first time and asked her parents if she could have one back home. She was able to talk with her family on New Year’s Eve and was missing her family over the holidays.
Happy Bucks Robert R - wished Canada good luck in the gold medal game against Russia Dave H - Thankful for “Service Above Self Award” and that his dad was doing better after a stay in the hospital Frances S – Happy to have been skiing over the holidays Chris C – Invited everyone to Oxford Gardens to witness the final draw for the 12 days of Christmas Vanessa G – Happy to report a successful campaign for the Salvation Army Don S – Welcomed in 2015 and talked about this trip down south
Guest Speaker Peter Wright talked to us about his experience when living in Zimbabwe. Peter's message was 'It's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it that makes the difference'. Thank you Peter! |
Minutes taken by Olga McKellar
Fred took attendance with Jocelyn welcoming people as they arrived.
President Chris was in the chair and led O Canada, proposed the toast to the Queen and to Italy.
Robin gave the Invocation.
President Chris asked us all to read the notes/agendas/minutes available on each table as we ate and we watched a video of our outbound student, Shanna, dancing in Thailand.
John Currie handled the 50/50 with Dave Harris winning and drawing the 7 of spades. Rick did a quick and dirty job of Sargeant fining Robin for his picture in the paper, Chris for her picture on Facebook. A few people gave happy bucks before Chris moved to reports.
John Currie reported that hams will arrive Dec.12 and money will be collected on delivery if not before.
We were reminded that the shoebox auction is on Dec.6 and we need to get items in.
Those wishing to help with Salvation Army gift collection are reminded that PJ’s for youth are a priority; bring them in ASAP.
Frances has tickets for Dec.15 lunch and you can also purchase them at the Quality Inn. $15.00 for a full plated turkey lunch
Maria reported on her weekend with other exchange students . It was held in Mississauga and included a birthday party, a squaredance, a banquet, a hockey game and some other games not easy to describe!
John Currie and Robin chaired the Rotary Club Charitable Foundation Annual Meeting.
Chris chaired the Rotary Club AGM.
Highlights were the passage of the revised Constitution and Bylaws,and the Audited Financial Statements.
Adam Shaw was chosen as auditor for this coming year for the Club. Bob Dieleman for the Foundation
An Election of Directors for 2015-16 saw Olga and Liam as regular directors, Ifhan as Senior Director chosen.
The Club supported the idea of John Gilvesey that extra funds held by Rotary International might be better used in microfinancing than left sitting in the bank. So, John’s suggestion will go forward with our support.
Chris closed the meeting at 1:45 pm
Keep up to date with Graham and Richard as they tour Scotland on their blog at Team Blog website address is Please send this to friends, family, Rotary contacts, etc. |
Rotary Rays – November 3, 2014 President– Chris Cunningham Location- Quality Inn Invocation- Rick Correia O Canada – Olga McKellar Announcements 50/50 – Bruce Burbank won the 50/50 draw and he drew the 3 of spades Sergeant at Arms -Mike indicated he was happy to delivering Rotary Roses on Saturday -Olga thanked everyone for the well wishes and indicated that the memorial for her husband will be held at St. David’s church on November 13th -Lynn‘s dad celebrated his 95 birthday on the weekend -Chris is going to Pennsylvania with her mother -Frances thanked everyone for their help with Rotary Roses -James paid a fine for wearing sandals -Melissa told a story of making an employee cry when she gave her roses from her employer
Rotary Roses – Melissa thanked everyone for helping with Rotary Roses. We sold 545 dozen roses and we will net between $5000 and $6000. A Special thank you to Don F, Richard, Frances, Bruce C, and Chris all the packers and everyone who delivered flowers on Friday and Saturday. Holly delivered 40 dozen roses on Saturday. Melissa also thanked the high school students who also helped that day. A special thanks to James for providing a location and lunch for the packers. Christmas Hams- We will be selling Christmas Hams again this year. John will be sending out an email shortly on this promotion. Youth Exchange – Frances was excited to announce that we have found a great candidate for our outbound youth exchange – Nathan Sears Rotary International Foundation – Our club received a banner for 100% of our members giving to the foundation. Salvation Army- This year we will be donating items to the Salvation Army for Christmas- we are looking for PJ’s, games, books, puzzles for all ages. We need everything in by the 2nd week of December. Program Introduced and thanked by Mike McMahon |
Presiding – Richard Holmes (covering for Chris Cunningham) Location – Quality Inn Writer – Bruce Burbank Announcements 50/50 – Winner and card drawn Fred Fenton drew the Ace of Diamond which is worth 10% of the pot Birthdays and Anniversary’s Don & Phyllis Stoddart are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Sergeant at Arms -
Program – Introduced and thanked By: Melissa Pike Heather and Jon Glendon from the Fusion Centre were guest speakers. Jon is a former Rotary Exchange student who was posted in New Zealand last year. He presented about his experience and how he discovered a passion for photography while on the exchange which opened many doors for him. He shared some of his lovely photographs from his travels. Heather spoke about the Sure Start program that supports young entrepreneurs who want to start their own business. The program is run out of the Fusion Centre in Ingersoll and Jon has been one of the beneficiaries of this program. |
Welcoming: Don S.,
Attendance: Fred
50/50: Don F.
Invocation : Olga
Presiding: President Ron.
When the meeting was called to order, Olga led us in O Canada.
The only visitor was our speaker, Paul Cluff.
The only birthday noted was Rick Shaheen.
Rotary anniversaries were Graham, 23rd., and Paul, 4 th.
It was reported that former Rotarian, Don Hart, was battling pancreatic cancer.
Don F., held the 50/50 draw. Craig had the winning ticket and drew the 6 of spades. He handed his winnings to Don F. for Polio Plus.
A number of happy bucks were collected: Francis – met Maria’s parents. They have now gone to Toronto and Niagara with Maria. Phil – both his girls recently performed in 4 dance shows. The older one has a job this summer as a costumed guide at the Museum.Rick S. was attacked by a gander that was protecting its nest. Rick was riding a bike at the time and expects
President Ron opened the meeting Attendance was taken by Ifhan Hudda Greeter Don Stoddart O Canada lead by Olga Mckellar Invocation Stephen Sears 50/50 Graham Hart- Richard Holmes pulled the Queen of Diamonds and won $10.00 Sergeant at Arms-Don Stoddart Happy Bucks - Lisa Wells happy to be back from vacation -John Szasz found his name tag after many months -Phil Laitar last male members to arrive today -Chris Cunningham attended a PETS session on the weekend “it was awesome!” -Southgate Center is hosting “the Best You” today with lots of people attending -Cliff Zaluski fined for his badge still on his truck dash board! -Richard Holmes attended the third curling practise and meeting in preparation for his trip to Scotland this November. -John Currie fined for leaving his name tag on the Tag Board -Graham Hart was curling at a rink that started in 1886
Committee Reports: Music Festival- Hazel Powell announced that she had just a few opening left at First Baptist for the Music Festival. If you are the last person at the door please take the money to Gary from First Baptist. Hazel will pick up the money from Salvation Army. Please wear your Rotary shirt or pin when working at the door.
Youth Committee Frances Stevens-announced that two students are now attending RYLA. Carol Cunningham and Jacob Burbank will represent our Club.
Polio Plus- Bruce Cunningham reminded everyone one to bring their treasurers and $15.00 to the meeting next week in preparation for the Penny Sale.
Peace Dinner- reminder that it will take place on May 15th..
Student Exchange-Nathan is on a bus tour this week so no report. Maria went to a Raptor’s game with Don and had a great time, down to lake Erie, and preparing for a Cheerleading competition.
Cancer Society representative Jen Culley, spoke to the Club about the funds raised from the Daffodil Campaign. These funds support all kinds of cancer research. There is a youth troop in each of seven high schools in the County. Chloe represented the youth troop and spoke of why she is proud to wear a daffodil. Her music teacher had lung cancer which touched her directly and she will remember his fight by wearing the daffodil.
Announcements: Erik Trembley, President of Woodstock-Oxford Club reminded everyone of the Annual Fish Fry and that he had tickets with him today.
Guest Speaker- Introduced and thanked by Hazel Powell Our speaker today was member Robin Ferro. Robin was raised in Durham a small community, near Owen Sound. He has two sisters who still live in Durham. Robin has a passion for hockey and at one time played against the Woodstock Royals. He graduated with honours from Humber college in business administration. Robin was first employed at National Trust in Hanover, after a year he was transferred to Huntsville as assistant manager. Then transfers took him to Meadford and Barrie where he worked for eight to nine years. It was here in 1996 that he met his wife Mary Linn and her daughter who was six years old. Then Rebecca was born the New Years Baby with her picture on the front page for all to meet. Next he was transferred to London where National Trust was taken over by Scotia Bank. In 2000 he came to Woodstock. He is in a leadership role overseeing two locations and assisting the District Vice President who oversees twenty four branches. Scotia Bank is the third largest bank with an International arm. Robin enjoys retail banking but now has less time for face to face customer service. Earl Shea, Manager of the Chamber of Commerce sponsored Robin into Rotary. He became our President in 2006-2007. Scotia Bank support its staff in being a part of the community and giving back. Through Robin’s active participation in our club, Scotia Bank has donated $1000.00 to the Woodstock Rotary Club. |
Meeting brought to a start by President Ron Fraser Chris Cunningham motioned to start the meeting 2nd by Melissa Lowes
No minutes for last year's meeting as they could not be obtained by the start of today’s meeting. President Ron introduce Adam Shaw to review our financial statement Adam went over in detail our operating funds and the clubs service funds.
Olga started us off with O Canada Birthdays and Anniversaries
John Currie 14 years as a Rotarian Tim did 50/50 Bruce Cunningham drew king of clubs $10 Barb did Sergeant at Arms
Guest Speaker Fatima Started off with some background info about Cribs for Kids, many parents do not have safe up to date cribs.
Welcome back to our first meeting of 2014!
President Ron opened today’s meeting. Olga led us in O'Canada. Attendance was taken by Ted B. Greeter was cheerfully handled by Larry. Invocation was read by Phil. 50/50 was collected by Ifhan. Sergeant at Arms was Richard.
Guests Shanya Oosterink, our outgoing exchange student and a large portion of the McMahon Family (Mike had four of his kids join us due to the schools being closed). Birthday & Anniversary Celebrating Birthdays are Bill McLeish and Ted B’s wife, Jackie.
Anniversaries being celebrated: Wilma Boughtflower, 18 years 2-Jan-96 Fred Fenton, 45 years 1-Jan-69 Richard Holmes, 22 years 1-Jan-92 Larry Lake, 45 years 1-Jan-69 Liam McCreery, 1 years 7-Jan-13 Hazel Powell, 6 years 1-Jan-08 Don Stoddart, 27 years 5-Jan-87 John Szasz, 50 years 6-Jan-64
50/50 James Stewart won the draw and pulled the Jack of Clubs from the deck to win $10.
Sergeant at Arms: Richard Happy Bucks: Richard for seeing “Once” and for his son being OK after a car accident (not so much the car). Maria for Finland’s Jr Hockey Team’s winning performance at the 2014 World Junior Hockey Championship. Frances for some great skiing. Don S. for his recent Cancun trip and his participation in the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's later this month. Larry for a planned trip this coming February. Mike and the kids for snow days. Rick for his son safely heading to Ottawa. Don F. for his Florida vacation. Bruce for his son starting his co-op. Robert R. for a great family Christmas handled by his daughters. Ron F for a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s spent at Niagara Falls.
Reports Polio Plus, Olga Olga read highlights from an Oxford Review article “Burgessville resident Wally Orth ensures letters he received while battling polio in the 1950s stay in in the Norwich Township community”.
Olga also continued the “Pennies for Polio” collection (remember to bring your pennies and loose change to the meetings for Olga).
Rotary Roses, Richard Richard reported we sold 464 Dozen roses raising $11,600 in revenue and over $4,000 in net profit.
Youth Exchange, Francis Francis read highlights from an email from Nathan and introduced our next outbound student, Shayna Oosternik.
Maria reported that she had seven turkey dinners over Christmas and spent New Year’s learning to Snowboard at Horseshoe Valley. (Check out our Facebook page for a pic of Maria in her snowboarding gear).
Shoe Box Auction, Don F Don reported that $2,085 was raised at our shoebox auction.
Guest Speaker Jane Vollmershausen, Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Life Coach
Some of Jane’s Healthy New Year Tips to make resolutions achievable: -Try “baby steps” as not to be overwhelmed and try to make goals that will be “long term goals” that you will want to keep forever.
-SMART Goal Setting. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Limit
-Write down your goals and let supportive people know what they are.
-Use the 80/20 rule. Focus on what will provide the best improvements
-Look for achieving Balance, Varity and Moderation in your daily life.
Presiding President Ron Fraser Writer John Werkema Hosts June/Dec. pod John Currie sergeant at arms –happy bucks Mellissa for Lila, Francis and Graham for the good curling they enjoyed, Hazel for Graham being elected vice chair TVDSSB, and Phil for having a new location for his Minuteman business. Fines – John C. fined himself for not yet paying for his purchases at the auction, Robert R. for spending $35.00 on a pie. Committee reports – Youth Committee has selected Shayna Oosterink, a student from St. Mary’s high school as the exchange student for 2014. Anyone who would like to be a host family should contact Francis. Auction report – James reported a successful auction from the previous week that raised $2035.00 for less fortunate children in Mexico. These are selected by the Rotary club in Mexico. Christmas banquet – to be held at the Quality Inn, Dec.16/13. Tickets can be paid for at the door, but please register online. Next meeting is scheduled for Jan.6/14. Maria, our exchange reported that she had been sick a few days but was now much better. She has also moved to her second host family. Election for directors 2014 – 2016 President Ron called for nominees from the floor. Nominated are Rick Corriea, Lisa Wells, and Barb Wright and David Harris as senior director. Moved by Robert R. and seconded by Richard H that nominations be closed. Carried. Lisa introduced our speaker for the day, Graham Hart, who spoke on his trip to Brazil in 2012. Graham gave a fascinating report of his agricultural trip, a trip that made him change his thinking about Brazil in all ways. Some highlights are This is not a third world country, it has the 4th largest economy in the world, population of 191 million, Portuguese speaking (if you want to do business in Brazil, you have to speak their language), and has incredible potential for growing crops. Because of the climate, they are able to always double crop the land, and because of their land base which has very deep topsoil, they produce 28% of the world’s coffee, 38%of the sugar, 27% of the beef production, and 39% of the world’s soybean production. Incredible! It is the policy of Brazil to produce everything in their country and not import product’s, they do this by putting on a 100% duty on imported products. They have very large farms, but there are also smaller operations. They are environmentally conscious, innovative, and have a vast, beautiful country. Thanks for sharing your photos and insights of your trip. Meeting was adjourned by President Ron. |
President Ron was in the chair. Attendance: Fred Fenton Welcoming: Larry Laking Induction: Wilma Boughtflower At the Piano: Gary Baumbach |
![]() The Rotary Club was pleased to award the 1st Youth Dragon Boat Bursary in October to local paddler Tristain Probst. In order to encourage the development of youth paddlers in Oxford County the Rotary Club of Woodstock has developed a bursary of $200 to be given to any youth paddler from Oxford County who earns a spot on the Canadian National Junior Dragon Boat team. This past summer Tristan competed on the Junior team in Hungary winning three medals including one gold. We were pleased to present this bursary recently. He is currently studying at Conestoga College so was unable to make a lunch meeting. Below are a couple of links with more information. Sentinel Review Article on Tristan CBC Radio on 2013 World Dragon Boat Results |
Presiding – Ron Fraser Location – Quality Inn Writer – Bruce Burbank
Announcements None 50/50 – Barb Wright won the 50/50 draw Birthdays and Anniversary’s Fred Fenton (born on same date as the Kennedy assassination) Sergeant at Arms – Melissa Pike
· Happy Bucks – there were numerous Happy Bucks today. Barb Wright is happy about raising more than $7000 through the 3rd annual Soup Stock event in support of DASO). Vanessa is happy to have her daughter Lilly joining us today and also happy about a very successful Santa Claus paraded. Cliff is happy about the grand opening of Oxford Gardens – he is also happy about his staff’s participation in the annual CAS Angel Tree Christmas hamper program. |
Rotary Rays – October 28, 2013
Presiding: President Ron Fraser Writer: Dave Harris Your Hosts: The Rotary meeting today was hosted by the Great October/April POD.
Rotary Rays – October 21, 2013
Presiding: President Ron Fraser Writer: Dave Harris Your Hosts: The Rotary meeting today was hosted by the Great October/April POD. Guests: Liam McCreery brought along his lovey daughter Kathleen for lunch. Birthday’s and Anniversaries – Joe Odumodu on Oct 23rd 50/50 Draw – Richard Holmes drew the Ace of Clubs for a 15% share of the pot. Total $ to be disclosed later. Sergeant at Arms: Robin Ferro handled the duties very well but your writer failed to take an accurate record of such fines and happy bucks. Suffice to say that there was significant happiness in the club today. Club News: Francis read an update from our Outbound student Nathan on his experience in Thailand so far. Hazel reported that we raised $24.70 for Polio last meeting. Meals on Wheels: Fred Fenton is looking for drivers at lunch, the week of November 11-15th. There is a container packing bee at Norwich public school on November 9th need as many people as we can in 2 shifts 9-12 and 12-3 - signup online. Speaker: Cheryl Ewing, Chair of the District 7080 Mexico Shoebox and More program. Cheryl gave an enlightening account of her experiences in delivering this wonderful aid to Nogales Mexico over the past 10 years. Her goal was to give our club and understanding of what to expect on a trip and how much it might cost to be involved. Below are some key points from her talk Their goal is to have a team of 12-14 Rotarians from Canada and the US travel to Nogales each January. They bring a combination of cash and goods across. What she has found is that once a club sends a member that the club has a much better understanding of the needs of the people and this allows clubs to better target specific items for delivery. |
This week's meeting was held at our Club's boathouse in anticipation of the Dragon Boat Festival. Note, the next meeting is the Dragon Boat Festival on Sat. August 10th (instead of meeting on Mon. August 12th)
President Ron opened today’s meeting. Rose led us in O'Canada. Attendance: Ted B Invocation: Phil
Guests: Our exchange students Nathan and David joined us. Also in attendance was our honorary member and long time Dragon Boat Festival expert John Brittan and Adam introduced his father, Bill Shaw.
Birthday & Anniversary Birthdays are coming up for Chris and Richard. Anniversaries being celebrated by Gary & Alma , Rick & Lisa, Richard & Mary, Lynn & David
Member Induction. Robin inducted our newest member, Mike McMahon with the CMHA. Welcome Mike!
Presentation: President Ron presented Don F with is Rotary Treasurer Pin.
Sergeant at Arms: Richard Fines: Adam for advertising is profession at the meeting.
Happy Bucks: Rose is off to Scotland for a month. Ron will be on vacation shortly. Bill mentioned that he has tickets for the Pork & Bean dinner on Fri. Sept 13th in support of Food Grains Bank. Rick is back from Paris and a bike trip through Southern France. Bruce C will be traveling but has no idea where until his wife tells him. John had a wonderful road trip this past weekend. Nathan for finishing work and he may be off on his exchange trip as early as Aug 13th. David returned from is cross-Canada trip but sadly will be heading home on Wednesday.
Reports Our sponsorship of the Splash Pad at the South Gate Aquatic Centre with the Rotary Club of Woodstock-Oxford on Monday, July 21st saw an attendance of 493 kids.
DRAGON BOAT FESTIVAL Saturday August 10th - Currently at 38 registered teams.
Docks to be moved to the Conservation Area: Tues Aug 6th Course setup: On Thursday Afternoon to early evening. Looking for some volunteers. Site Setup: Friday 9 -2
Saturday: Gates open at 7 AM and the teams are expected to arrive at that time. Try to arrive earlier if you have volunteered for morning duties.
Opening Ceremony 11 AM
Clean-up: Volunteers 4:30-6, we could use a few more members to help at the end of the day.
President Ron opened today’s meeting Greeters: Richard and Larry O’Canada was lead by Olga Attendance: Chris and Phil Visitors: Mike McMahon from CMHA (potential member) Birthdays and Anniversaries Henry G, Barb W, Rick C. Robin and Mary Linn celebrating their anniversary on July 18th 50/50 - Graham Cate had the winning ticket and won $5 Sergeant at Arms - Graham No fines just a remarkable number of Happy Bucks Cate remarked on a cottage trip Adam took his kids to their 1st “big” concert in Toronto Don, with Adam, dug into the club’s books John’s daughter Elizabeth competed at a Special Olympics Gymnastics event and won Gold in the Ribbon and Silver in the Hoop Bruce for always being on vacation now Don looking forward to being on his own for bit Francis had a great time at the Sweaburg Ball Tournament Graham drove to Alberta for a visit Sick & Visiting Paul is still recovering but doing better Committee Reports Dragon Boat: Our main fundraiser is fast approaching. The sign-up list is out/online so please sign-up Youth Committee: David will soon finish his trip across Canada ending with a flight landing in Vancouver. David will be back to Woodstock and looking to finish off some of his “bucket list” from July 21-26. Any member who has time to spend with David before he leaves please contact Francis. Meals & Wheels: Volunteers finished off a successful week. Our club will be participating again in September. New Club Sponsored Event: Our club will sponsor free admission for kids to the Southgate Splash Pad on Monday, July 22nd from Noon-4 PM Correspondence: President Ron read Cards of Thanks received from two of the Service Above Self Award recipients, Marissa Ukos from Huron Park and Gabriel Gauvin. Guest Speaker: Constable Steve McEwen / Race Against Drugs Ted introduced our Guest Speaker Constable Steve McEwen, Community Relations/Media Constable. Steve spoke to our club about the Race Against Drugs Program. Our Rotary Club has been a sponsor of this program since its start in our County in 1999. The event runs every two years and targets Grade 5 & 6 students. The educational and FUN program reached between 1500-2000 Oxford students in 2011 and as many as 3000 students in previous years. The event focuses on drug and alcohol awareness but includes representatives from just not the police but EMS, Fire, CN Rail and Public Health. Students compete in races on a Playstation for prizes while spending the rest of the time participating at 15 stations or booths to learn more about a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. This year’s event will be held on November 28th at the Oxford Auditorium. NEXT MEETING: Will be held at Ron’s house for a summer social on Monday July 22nd at 409 Parrott Place Woodstock, On.
Invocation: was lead by Don Birthdays: Vanessa, Ted, Don, Rick, Rosemary, Paul Anniversaries: none Sick and Visiting: Ray Webster’s funeral is June 25th at noon. Robert noted that he has a heart operation coming up. 50/50: Bruce has Melissa draw the ballet. Don won and selected a Joker for 15% of the pot. Sargent in Arms: · Fines for Rick, Robert. · Happy Birthday bucks from Rick and Ted · Rick - happy to get food at the buffet, announced that Dave is now on cross Canada tour. · Barb – thanks to the people that organized the Golf Tournament. · Don – going to Pennsylvania for a car show · Dave – daughter is safe and sound in Alberta · Melissa – last meeting as president · Graham- got call from son in Canmore. Graham is going to visit him. · Ifhan – great day for golf tournament, 24 people attended. Thanks to Ted, Robin and Tim for their support. Thank you to Rick, Robin and Ted for their hole sponsorship. Thanks to Robin, Ted, and Ifhan for their sponsorship of the food. The tournament raised $1500. · John – pick-up truck pulled out in front of him when he was riding his bike, glad to be safe – watch out for people on bikes. · Stephen – thinking of the folks in Alberta, 400 homeless people in a shelter had to be evacuated, and people in a hospice also had to be evacuated. Also, congratulations to Ifhan on the high rating of the Quality Inn. · Rick – congratulations to Ifhan’s golf team. · Don – son has a summer job and he has an interview. Reports Citation Award – anyone is welcome to go, please email Ron by Friday if you are interested. Meals on Wheels - Anyone available to assist with Meals on Wheels deliveries this week would be appreciated as Fred and his wife are diving without support – more people needed. Membership: still awaiting dues. Fun League: running smoothly, this is the last week. Dragon Boats: going well – great help with putting the boats in the water. Could use help on Sunday/Monday. Dozen teams have signed up. July 15th is the deadline for signing up. Rotary Foundation: 15% return on investments – expenses were $24,500 this year. Fred is stepping down as Chair. Speak to Ron if you are interested in assuming this position. Graham presented Rosemary with 6 new gavels mad e out of walnut. He and other volunteers made them. Presentation: Melissa made some summary remarks about her year as president. She welcomed Ron as the new President and presented him with Don Sutherlands cane and presented Don Sutherlands story. She also presented Ron with a Rotary pin. Ron then thanked Melissa for the great year under her leadership as President and presented her with the gavel. Ron also presented Christine Cunningham as the President elect and presented her with the pin. Melissa showed a powerpoint presentation “Peace through Service” which showed a summary of the activities of the Rotary Club over the past year. The meeting was adjourned. |
Innovation by Bill McLeish Melissa welcomed Daniel Vecchio, guest speaker Birthdays: Phil and Rick’s wife, Lisa Anniversaries: Chris and her husband – 31 years, Fred and Jean – 54 years, Nigel has been a Rotarian for 4 years. Paul is hopefully on the mend 50/50: Bruce Cunningham won, five card drawn for $5 Sargent at Arms: · Bill – advertising seminar ‘Working against Violence” June 26th 6:30pm free admission also Food Grain Bank has a fundraising event – Pig Roast Step 13 5-7pm · John – son back from Europe, now going to states for a job · Chris – Woodstock Theatre fundraising event for Southgate and Sweaburg playground $15 per ticket · Bruce – was in Jamaica in May and there will be a Stand By Your Women Workshop Thursday night at the CAW hall. · Rick- now empty nesters but middle son is back home again · Ifhan – annual golf tournament today. · Ron – his brother had open heart and bypass surgery · Bruce – compliment from his wife · Craig – dog got sprayed by a skunk · Graham – 45 year anniversary at University of Guelph · Melissa - President Citation award in Toronto – Woodstock Rotary groups are winning again, if you are interested in attending, see Melissa · “Service Above Self” awards in high schools, need someone to attend Ecole Notre Dame – let Melissa know if you can attend. Committee Reports: Membership: Don reported 1/3 of the memberships are now in- please forward your membership fees Golf Tournament: today at 2pm – low attendance with 22 golfers – Shot gun start with Barbaque at 4:30pm, everyone is welcome – secured 7 hole sponsors. Thank you to Robin, Ted and Tim for their help in organizing the golf tournament. Fun League: done a lot of work at the dock – take a look if you are interested. Meals on Wheels: have secured two people to assist with meal deliveries. Guest Speaker: Bruce introduced Daniel Vecchio who is visiting from Vancouver. He is a retired school principal that is helping to train new teachers, youth and others to help eradicate violence against women. He works part time at Simon Fraser University. Daniel spoke about how boys can be allies with girls to reduce violence. Violence is a learned behavior – boys are taught violence. It is important to help boys to feel that they do not have to man up. The strategy is to accept boys as they are, not to make them feel that they need to become more male as they grown up to avoid adopting the “boy code”. It is important to help kids develop emotional skills to develop healthy relationships. Rotary can assist by publically supporting anti-violence. Rotary has the power to help change behaviour. Melissa thanked Daniel and presented him with a certificate that 50 children would be vaccinated against polio. Bruce reminded everyone of the event being sponsored by the Youth Advisory Council at the CAW Hall on Thursday night where Daniel Vecchio will be the guest speaker. Meeting adjourned. |
Adam led the invocation Melissa noted there were no birthdays or anniversaries Paul Benedict is still being kept in our thoughts 50/50 – Frances number was drawn, the joker was selected and she will receive 15% of the funds collected Sargent at Arms: · Lynn attended a conference thanks to Cate, her granddaughter turned two and she is pleased to announce another grandchild is coming. · Ted celebrated the 18th inning of the Blue Jays game · Ron was pleased with the success of the Peace Dinner, 130 people attended and there will be between $7-900 to donate to DASO. Good meal and good speaker. He has also received 8-9 emails from the incoming exchange student. She will arrive August 8th in time for the Dragon Boat event. · Eric pleased to announce his wife has secured a full time teaching job. · Ifhan was happy to announce that Quality Inn Woodstock is in the top 3% of the 6000 Quality Inns. · Melissa discovered and met her half cousin · Robert celebrated the 50th anniversary of his medical school · Chris announced that it is National Senior Appreciation Month · Lisa attended the GED awards night – the students were very proud of their accomplishments · Robin noted that the bank is increasing the mortgage rates · Melissa noted that she attended the Harvey Woods Open House. Very good to see the model. · Melissa also asked everyone to remember Phil Dutton, his wife passed away and she will be very missed. Announcements: Foundation Committee meeting today following the meeting. Board of Directors meeting following the meeting today. President Citation Awards dinner coming up and our club is being honored again, let Melissa know if you want to attend. Membership: Don reminded everyone that membership dues are due now. Golf Tournament: Ifhan announced that the Golf Tournament is next Monday June 17th. There will be a shot gun start following the meeting at 2pm. A Barbaque will follow at the Quality Inn. Please see up with Ifhan. Hole sponsorship is still being sought so if you are interested please contact Tim. Fun League: If you are interested in signing up for the Fun League contact Rick or Dave. Dragon Boat: Dragon Boat event is coming up and anyone interested in participating is welcome to put a team together and join in. Meals On Wheels: Fred is still looking for volunteers to assist with Meals on Wheels deliveries during June 24-28th. Several volunteers are needed. Please contact Fred to assist with this worthwhile and fun activity. Youth Committee: No report Guest Speaker: Melissa introduced David, our exchange student to make a presentation. This was David’s last presentation as his exchange is coming to an end. He showed a slide presentation of his activities during his stay and thanked everyone for the “best year of his life”
Don Fulkerson said grace. Melissa announced birthday greetings to Rick Sheehan and 21 year anniversary for Graham Hart. 55/50 Draw: Bruce Cunningham announced Cate Melito won the 50/50 draw. She drew the Queen of Hearts and donated back to Rotary her winnings. Sargent in Arms was conducted by Bruce Cunningham: Fines: Rick Sheehan for not checking brake fluid, Melissa recorded for family picture, Don sold trailers out of boat house, Happy Bucks: Barb for 5 Rotary Clubs in Oxford sponsored the Peace Dinner, Dave noted that he and Richard and Rick entered golf tournament last week and went to Mosport, Nathan noted that he attended the prom at the Quality Inn, Frances noted that she had given out the Rotary Award of Merit for students at Fanshawe College that completed their GED. Communication: Homestead Christian Association is inviting everyone to attend the Harvey Woods Building open house on Saturday June 8th from 9-11am Reports: The Treasurer announced that cheques are due for membership dues. Golf Tournament is coming up on Monday June 17th at 2pm. Shot gun start, followed by barbecue at Quality Inn. Contact Ifhan for more information, need everyone’s support. Fun League is underway. Bruce, Don and Dave are overseeing and there are three teams at this point and it is going well. Dragon Boats – Dave reported that the Dragon Boat Festival is August 10, 2013. There will be a meeting in July at the site. Up to 6-7 teams registered now. Team nights are going well. Meals on Wheels – Rotary has been asked to deliver meetings the last week of June. Looking for three people to donate their time from about 11:15-12:15. Please contact Fred Fenton if you can assist. Medal Awards Dinner will be held this coming Wednesday at the Quality Inn. Frances needs to know by today if you plan to attend. Survey went out to all members regarding feedback on meals and location, Frances requested that everyone complete the survey. Guest Speaker: Melissa introduced Nathan Sterathopolous, our Rotary Exchange Student. Nathan shared his preparations regarding his upcoming trip to Taiwan. |
President Melissa Pike Recorder Nigel Millington Invocation Ted Exley |
Minutes Woodstock Rotary Club May 6, 2013 A regular meeting of the Woodstock Rotary Club was held on Monday May 6, 2013 commencing at 12:10 p.m. at the Woodstock Quality Inn. President Melissa Pike Guests Cheryl Ewing Recorder: Gary Baumbach Greeter: Larry Lake Vanessa Page Front Desk: Don Fulkerson Ron Fraser |
Notes taken by Rosemary George Invocation Stephen Sears Birthdays or Anniversaries- Don Fulkerson, Dave Harris 12 years in Rotary Sick and Visiting – No report
50/50 winner was Don Stoddart who was paid $4.00 for the 4 of Harts, Ifhan Hudda and Jessica 12th Ann.
Sargent at Arms – -Larry paid a happy buck for Melissa and Lyla saving him from going down stairs for lunch -All members who went down stairs instead of to the Burtch room paid a dollar -Dave Harris announced that Motor, Truck, and equipment are ready for the Dragon Boat Season -Ron Fraser met the President and incoming President of the Sylvania Club our sister City in the USA and invited them to join in our Dragon Boat Festival as an exchange . They also have a Youth orchestra, lead by a conductor from Beijing who will perform at fundraising events for sister cities. -Chris Cunningham had a happy buck she is going on vacation starting in San Francisco -Stephen Sears shared with the club t-shirts being sold by local high school students and the Salvation Army to bring awareness to the Trade Fair Labour issues in the world. -Dave Harris was fined for arguing with the President. -Robin Ferro was fined for handing out late tax receipts.
Reports: Music Festival-Gary reminded everyone of the Festival of the Starts this Friday evening, and is still looking for two Rotarians to help Peace dinner- Ron Fraser reported on the Peace dinner being held on May 29th there will be a Dinner at the Quality Inn 5:30, 6:30 dinner cost to be $30.00 This is a cluster event and Theme is “End Domestic Abuse” Tickets and posters are available. Youth Exchange-Frances Announced that our inbound student this year is coming from Finland. Her name is Maria. She is well traveled. Her City is about 60,000 pop and known as part of an energy Cluster. She will arrive in August Membership-Rick Shaheen reminded new members that he is hosting a Fireside Chat this evening. Judith Cheung, Guest Speaker - Speaker was introduced by Rick Shaheen, Thanked by Hazel Powell Our speaker today was Judith Cheung who has studied landscape, art and urban planning. She is employed by Epcot Times that reports in 35 Countries in 21 Languages. The mission of this Paper is to build bridges between the East and West. It is an independent paper to help with information for business and immigrants. She noted that in the GTA the population has grown from 500 plus Chinese folks to 1.2 million in 2013. The one child policy has had a great impact on immigration. Her topic today is Chinese Culture, 5000 years of civilization. The base of this culture is harmony and is influenced by the philosophy of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. The Shen Yun theatre and dance group out of New York helps to promote the ancient customs and beliefs of China. They often perform at the Center in the Square in Kitchener. The Chinese are trying to have one language and that would be Mandarin. Team development and coordination form a bases for their approach. |
Disaster Aid to Cuba: It is bad when a disaster strikes anywhere, but when it strikes people that have nothing to start with and their neighbours can't help either because they don't have much of anything to give, then it is a real disaster. On their own it will take years to recuperate. About 14,000 homes were completely destroyed, and 200,000 homes damaged in the Santiago De Cuba and Holguin area during hurricane Sandy. A container is going to be send there in December. If you are able to help out, we will be collecting the following items: -Clothes and shoes in clean, good condition -Kitchen materials of all types, small kitchen appliances, bed sheets, towels, pillows, mattresses (new or very good condition) -Radio, CD players -Soap, shampoo, detergent -Toothbrushes and toothpaste -personal care and hygiene products -Tools (manual & electric) -new building materials (metal roofing, lumber, doors and fasteners)Maybe you can contact your supplier of roofing steel if they have something to give, if you have roofing steel, we need to include nails or screws also because they are not available either in Cuba. -Duct tape and other fastening materials -Waterproof tarps -Dry food in original packaging -Vitamins -Garbage bags -Small lamps and other related household products, emergency kits. Please contact us and we can arrange to have these items picked up or give you a drop off point. Peter Stam 519-532-2181 or |
Rotary Rays November 19, 2012 Presiding: President Melissa Pike Location: Quality Hotel and Suites Writer: Dave Harris Invocation: Vanessa Guests: Prospective Rotarians; Liam McCreery, John Werkema, and Stephen Sears. Guests From Woodstock-Oxford Club; Paul Leroy, Leigh and Alma Yates. Our New Outbound Exchange Student; Nathan Stephopolous (spelling?) Announcements:
Birthdays and Anniversaries - David Simonetti is 16 this week! Fred Fenton - did not disclose age, Francis Stevens- not there to confirm or deny age. No Anniversaries Sergeant at Arms: Dave Harris Fines: President Melissa for accusing the Sergeant at Arms of stealing from her when he was helping her set up the podium Happy Bucks:Leigh Yates;enjoying Rotary fellowship as a new member, Chris Cunningham had a successful Bazzar at Southgate, Vanessa Page the Santa Clause Parade was a great success, filling their food hampers, Rick Corriea- beat John Currie's Team in League play, John Currie and Richard Holmes - excellent Scottish Curling Fellowship weekend and thanks to Melissa and her mom who hosted them for dinner. Barb Wright - had a great fundraiser for DASO, Soupstock, held at the Quality Hotel was a great success. Speaker: James Rule, President Thames Talbot Land Trust Jim was here to increase awareness of the Thames Talbot Land Trust (TTLT) and to let people know that they are looking for donations of money or donations of Carolinian Forest type land or land that could be restored to native habitat. Jim is a former educator in Oxford County and recognizes that the TTLT does not have any property in our county yet. The TTLT is a community-based charitable organization that actively works to conserve land with natural, recreational, scenic, historical, or agricultural value for the benefit of future generations. Named after the Thames River and historic Talbot Trail, the Thames Talbot Land Trust was established as a charity in 2000 to protect the natural and cultural heritage of London, Middlesex County and Elgin County in southwestern Ontario. They currently have 1100 acres in 10 properties under ownership. Our area is in the Carolinian Climate Zone and has the broadest range of native flora and fauna in Canada. Unfortunately urban sprawl and agriculture have reduced coverage to 18% of the land. There should be at least 24% coverage for proper balance. James showed some slides of the beautiful tracts of land that they own and manage in Southwestern Ontario. Some areas have trails and are open to the public. Other areas are reserves for nature or will be opened at some point. For more information please go to They have one paid part time staff member and the rest of the organization is run by volunteer stewards. For a photo of Jim and President Melissa click here
James was also thankful to Rotary as his daughter is a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar who is studying for her Masters in the U.S. at the present time. James was thanked by Robin Ferro and a donation will be made to Polio Plus on James' behalf. Next Week: Rotary Club of Woodstock Foundation Annual Meeting.
Rotary Meeting Monday November 12, 2012 From 12:00-1:30 This was our Remembrance Day Meeting Grace was said by Ted Exley Taps were played by Jim Gordon from the Salvation Army Birthdays and Anniversaries: John Curries birthday was November 13th,Larry Lake is having an anniversary on
A regular meeting of the Woodstock Rotary Club was held on Monday November 5, 2012 commencing at 12:10 p.m. in the Birch Room of the Woodstock Quality Inn. President: Melissa Pike Guests: Susan Benedict, Lindy Brown, Liam McCreery, David Palmer, John Werkema Recorder: Gary Baumbach 1. Call to Order President Melissa called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m. 2. Invocation Robin Ferro delivered the invocation.
This week’s meeting was hosted by Lindsay Whitaker, General Manager of the YMCA, Woodstock Branch and catered by John Stephen, owner of East Side Mario’s.
ROTARY MINUTES FOR AUGUST 20th. Minutes by Chris Cunningham
Greetings Canadian Rotarians,
World Polio Day is October 24th. Stay tuned to CBC and CBC News Network for a national television airtime buy beginning on October 17th. We will be using the "This Close" 60sec PSA. It runs for three weeks beginning Oct 17th and then again for a month beginning in mid January to take us through to our Feb 23rd celebrations! One other interesting aspect of this initiative is that we have engaged Ipsos Reid to conduct survey questions pre and post campaign - it will be great to measure how this campaign has moved awareness about Rotary! We will be posting on Facebook and tweeting the commercial airtime's as they become available so that you can share them with friends and family! A special thank you to DG Jane Helten of D5050, DG Garry Hollingshead of D5060 and DG Michael Duben of D6400 for being the sponsor districts for this Public Relations Multi District Grant. It is because of their generosity that all of Canada will benefit. |
![]() Plan on supporting this fundraising event by either volnteering to help shadow serve or by joining us with friends and family for dinner. We will earn 10% of the receipts between 5 and 8 pm. This includes on-line, takeout and delivery. Boston Pizza has even created a facebook event so you can spread the word and confirm your attendance. If you want to serve please register under Epcoming Events.
![]() President John Currie and Secretary Rosemary Goerge were guests of the Hospital Foundation as they got a sneak peek at the new Woodstock Hospital and a picturen next to the Rotary Lounge for volunteers. The Rotary Club of Woodstock Donated funds in 1999-2001 in support of he Hospital.
Rick Corriea has struck a deal with TJ at Crabby Joe's on Dundas street to donate 10% of all the receipts we collect for Wednesdays nights back to the Rotary Club. So grab your family and make Wednesdays a time to dine out and support our club at the dame time. Rick will collect the recipts on Monday at lunch.
Banner Year for Woodstock
Growing Project Of the Canadian Food Grains Bank. The Woodstock Growing Project
raised over $60,000 for food assistance for Pakistan,
and other areas needing hunger relief.
FERNLEA IVIX Books at #1271 Highway 3, west of Delhi has 25,000used
books for sale at good prices. Our charity helps children in Haiti. Open 2-5
p.m. all days. Drop off donations of books anytime of call 519-582 -1794 for pick
October 7th Rotary Minutes 50/50 draw – Stephen Sears 2 of spades drawn – Toownie donated back as happy buck Don & Phylis celebrating 49th wedding anniversary Bruce Burbank remaindered us that October is Child abuse & prevention month with a purple ribbon and wristband Sick and visiting: Doug Eckle had hip surgery and is doing well Cliff Zaluski – happy buck – his middle son married on the weekend Bill McLeish: Fernlea IVIX – Non-profit book store in Delhi – proceeds go to help relieve poverty in Haiti Gary Baumbach: International Festival of Authors – Oct 23rd 2013 $15.00 ticket Legion Branch 55 partnered with Woodstock library – Memory project - Recording of memories from veterans as well as artifacts scanned for logging from WWII and Koreen war. Melissa Pike: Lila update – Lila is in the 23% range for her weight and height & 85% range for her head size – lots of room to grow an intelligent brain. Hazel Powell: Polio Plus challenge – Who is the first female vice president of Rotary International and where is she from? Each table was challenged to answer the question. Unfortunately not one table had the answer – Anne Matthews from South Caroline – Each table gave loose change to Polio Plus. Roses update: Posters are being printed – volunteers required for packing and delivery. Shoe Box: Clarification required for dates of auction Youth: Applications due for next outbound student by October 2013 Maria update (student): Maria enjoyed babysitting and having the buses cancelled on Tuesday for a day off. |
Pres. Ron Fraser brought meeting to order
Cliff Zaluski introduced guests, Alaina & Savannah Fraser Paul Benedict's birthday today - Paul is back at home & his health is improving. Thoughts are with Paul & his family. Ron Fraser & his wife Alaina are.celebrating their 11th wedding anniversary Rotary anniversaries - Barb Wright & John Britton Sergeant of Arms Ted Beynen had nothing but happy bucks reported. No fines!! ;0) Committee Reports Dragon Boats- David Harris asked for help Sunday nights, Fun League, taking boats in & out of the water. Pres. Ron presented Past President Melissa with the President Citation Award for the 2012/2013 term.
Robin Ferro introduced Jeff Duncan, Habitat for Humanity, London. Jeff presented a plaque of appreciation to past Pres. Melissa, for Rotary's lead in Habitats first build in Woodstock. President's Address Our brand spanking New President Ronald Fraser delivered his "President's Address", Engage Rotary, Change Lives, is Rotary's 2013/2014 theme. Read Pres. Fraser's address attached. Today's meeting ended with President Ronald Fraser giving his "Elevator Speech" about how & why he's a Rotarian. Each pod has been asked to deliver 3-4 "Elevator Speeches" each month. These will be compiled to form a library of our clubs, "Why I chose Rotary".
Rotary Rays – Monday, March 18, 2013
Reports and Announcements: · Guests included Bruce Shaw and Gord Britton (guest speakers); Jill from the Powell River B.C. club, Aaron Engel and outgoing exchange student Nathan. Bruce Cunningham is now officially a member of our club. · Lots of Happy Bucks including Melissa who recently returned from two weeks in Florida and Ron Fraser who gave an extra buck to Chris Cunningham toward getting a new – more accurate – Chilly Willy. · Francis read a letter from outbound exchange student Erin who continues to enjoy her year in New Zealand, despite experiencing an earthquake! · Rosemary reminded everyone about picking up their police check forms. · Gary reported that the music festival preparations are well underway: the advertising has been wrapped up and members have been signing up for the available time slots. · Lisa won $2 in the 50/50 draw and donated it back to polio plus
Program: Gord Britton and Bruce Shaw, both of the Grand Bend Rotary Club, talked about the Global Literacy Program, a project that began in 2008. Since then communities in Africa and other countries have benefitted from the collection, shipment and distribution of books, educational materials, supplies, furniture, and various other valuable items to aid in development, building capacity and the advancement of the community. After the presentation, Gary encouraged members to sign up to assist with loading a container bound for South Africa. Volunteers are needed for both the morning and afternoon of Saturday, April 20, 2013. |
Please start collecting items for our annual Shoebox Auction. You can bring them to Rotary any time. Ifhan has offered to store them here until the auction.
David is a very friendly and easy going 15 year old student from Brazil. Back home in Brazil he lives with his parents Angela and Danilo and his older sister Laura in a beautiful beachside condo. He enjoys all kinds of activities, but he particularly likes playing sports. At home he swims, plays volleyball, water polo, basketball, horseback riding, wakeboarding, fishing, and hiking. Although he has never seen snow, he is looking forward braving the weather to trying out some Canadian winter sports. David also likes to travel. He has visited the US as well as England and France – he is hoping to get the chance to see lots of Canada while he is here. The weather here has been a bit of a shock for him. At home the average temperature is 26oC. When he first arrived the temperature was familiar but our cooling days and cold night have been a challenge. At high school David is taking Phys Ed, Geography, Math and Electrical Tech. He is really enjoying the Phys Ed class since it gives him the opportunity to learn many new sports. He has started to make friends in Woodstock including a number of boys from the school volleyball team that he is a part of. David is very excited about his upcoming trip to New York City and Rotary day at the UN with other District 7080 exchange students. |
August 11, 2012 marks the 15th Annual Dragon Boat Festival in Woodstock!! We're looking forward to seeing all of our Rotarians and Rotary Friends out at Pittock Conservation Area to take in this awesome day filled with great sportsmanship! Looking forward to seeing you there - it's always a FANTASTIC day and event. PLUS there will be lots of vendors on hand. See you at Pittock!
The weather co-operated and 23 Rotarians and friends enjoyed a picnic at the Dragon Boat Boathouse. Rosemary and Don F., dealt with Attendance. PresidentMelissa called us to order with the singing of O Canada, a virtual toast to Queen and Country, and a few words of instruction re how the agenda would run. Fred gave the Invocation. Visitors, Savannah Fraser, daughter of Ron, and John Britton, longtime friend of the Club, were welcomed. They then led the line out to collect delicious hotdogs and sausages, drinks, and condiments cooked by the Hotdog Man right outside the Boat House door. While we were eating, Justin, chair of this year's Dragon Boat festival, addressed us all. First he thanked the whole Dragon boat Co., who have worked hard since January to get this year's show ready to go. He thanked the sponsors, |
Join the Tavistock Rotary club on Monday February 27th to celebrate the 100th birthday of our charter member Jim Francis. As part of our regular meeting (located at Quehl's in Tavistock from 6:30 on), that evening we plan to share stories about Jim's 60+ years in Rotary. We'd love you to share any story or picture(s) you have of Jim. But most importantly just be there to greet Jim.
To assist in our planning for this event we'd like to hear as soon as possible if you plan to join us. Let us know by email at or phone at 519-301-5620. |
Presiding – President Melissa Pike Writer – John Currie Location – we were welcomed to Wilma’s home by her sister, Marlene We also welcomed Barb Wright as a new member transferred to our club. Birthdays and Anniversaries · Birthday – Rick Correia – July 21st · Spouse’s Birthday – Elaina, Ron Fraser’s wife – July 19th · Wedding Anniversary – Robin & Marylinn Ferro – July 21st 50/50 – no draw this week Sergeant at Arms (Fines and Happy Bucks) – Olga McKellar v Several including · Barb Wright – Pizza Hut promotion where 15% of sales from Wed, July 18th support Domestic Abuse Services · Rick Shaheen – great to be back from San Francisco where it was wet and only 62F · Cliff Zaluski – great to meet Wilma’s sister, Marlene Committee Reports v Dragonboat · 33 teams registered including 2 from the Fun League and 2 from the Sunday night Junior League · Practicing continues both Sunday and Monday nights · We will meet at the Dragonboat Club House for our July 30th meeting · Dave to send out a sign-up notice for the Festival. We need everyone’s participation. A reminder our annual dues are due - $220.00, same as last few years. Speaker – Olga McKellar – Update on Rotary International · 2012-2013 Rotary President – Sakuji Tanaka, his wife Kyoto · Our 2012-2013 theme is Peace through Service · Rotary has welcomed our 200th Country/District this year · The only hospital in the new country of South Sudan is supported by Rotary · Rotary has had a seat at the United Nations for 61 years. · Microcredits – Low-value loans to support social enterprise – an example is a company in Bangladesh producing an inexpensive yogurt to supply nutrition to the poorest of families. Another is providing shoes for a dollar as students must wear shoes to attend school. · Polio present in only three countries – Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan Next Meeting – July 23rd at the Quality Hotel & Suites |
26 Rotarians and Guests enjoyed an evening at the Theatre Woodstock on Thurs October 13th. Several of us enjoyed dinner beforehand at Charles Dickens. The play was a lively comedy featuring the acting talents of our own Vanessa Scotney Page as the Maid "Ida". She did a great job as did the whole cast. Lots of funny turns and twists in this show. If you were not able to join us the play runs from Oct 14-22 and there are tickets available. Call 519-537-2582 or visit Theatre Woodstock for more info. Rotatrians Raised $360 from this event. Thanks to all who came.
We are again helping the VON deliver Meals on Wheels during the first two weeks of August at noon each day. Rotarian Fred Fenton is the captain. Please contact him by phone at 519-539-2207 if you are available to help some day between 11:30 and 12:30. This is an important service to the clients of VON.
![]() A special welcome to the Woodstock Rotary Club's newest member Rick! We're looking forward to getting to know you better!
Speaker - The Woodstock Public Library Online
Gary Baumbach CEO of he Woodstock Public Library and Karen Scott, E-Branch Manager. Gary and Karen presented an excellent slideshow where they reviewed all of the online technology developments available through the Library. Website Link |
Effective today you can now locate our website by entering on your browser's address bar. You can also Google it but we show up 6th or 7th in the listings.
The advantage of this address is that it can now be used on advertising, brochures and for directing prospective Rotarians to our website. You could also add it to your e-mail signature and show your support for Rotary! |
![]() On December 20, 2010 we had the privledge of learning about one of our members, Chris Cunningham. Chis gave an excellent classification speech and filled us in on what it is that makes her who she is today. Great job Chris!
![]() President Graham wearing his crown calls the last meeting of 2010 to order.
![]() Rotary International District Governor Bernd Dinnert spoke to the Woodstock Rotarians on November 1, 2010!
![]() Cate Melito was officially welcomed into the club on November 8th. Cate has been sponsored by Bill McLeish and will make a wonderful addition to the club. Welcome Cate!
Oct 23rd Calcutta, India (pt 2) In a well coordinated fashion, we were transported to our respective host homes to unpack and relax, while we had the opportunity to get to know your new found friends and host families. Later in the day we toured the city and observed several cultural and historical sites. It was interesting to enter some magnificent temples and learn more about...... |
![]() On Monday September 27th the Woodstock club was fortunate enough to have our Chilean GSE guests present to the Club. They were full of great information about life in Chile and also about their experience here in Canada. They will be in SW Ontario until October 20th. Sunday evening approximately 25 Oxford Rotarians treated the GSE group to a boat cruise around Port Dover and dinner at the Erie Beach Hotel - Fun was had by all!
![]() Habitat for Humanity was presented with $5,000 on behalf of the Woodstock Rotary Club to help kick off the project here in Woodstock. For more information about how you can help, please speak to Paul Benedict, Larry Moore, Melissa Lowes, or John Currie.
![]() Monday May 31, 2010 meeting held excitment for all who attended! Sargent at Arms Richard Holmes held a best looking legs contest for those genttlemen who arrived to todays meeting wearing shorts. Contestants were were Graham Hart, Larry Lake, Doug Eckel, and James Stewart. After a close call via cheers votes, James Stewart was the winner for having the best looking legs!!! Congrats James!
A great day was had by who attended and participated in the 2010 Victoria Day Parade. Special thanks to John Brittain who gave us the use of his spectacular truck to pull the Dragon Boat's along the parade route.The fearless Larry Lake was on hand to make sure that everything went as planned ~ Thanks Larry!
![]() If you haven't received your tickets yet to sell roses please contact Richard Holmes.
Delivery date for the roses will be November 6th - please do your best to sell as many dozen as you can!
![]() The annual golf tournament will be held at Sally Creek Golf & Country Club on June 21st.
Shotgun start at 2 pm.
BBQ Dinner at 5:30 pm.
Funds to support Youth Programs
![]() On May 3, 2010 The Woodstock Rotary Club showed their appreciation to Heart FM with a Paul Harris Fellowship. Heart FM has been extremely supportive of our various club events since they came to town. They continue to support our club and events by way of on air interviews, promotions, and advertisements. Thank you to Heart FM for your continued Support!
![]() Long standing Woodstock Rotary Club member Suresh Dixit was honoured May 3, 2010 with a Paul Harris Fellowship from his club. Congratulations Suresh and thank you for your years of hard work, dedication, and leadership!
![]() OK Rotarians, It is time to get in touch with all of your contacts and sell some dinner tickets to our Fundraising Dinner on April 26th The Rotary Club of Woodstock is pleased to host Mr. Neil Macdonald, V.P. Corporate Affairs and General Counsel for General Motors Canada on the evening of Monday April 26, 2010.Mr. Macdonald will give an update of developments at General Motors and will address the company's future in
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![]() Rotarians: This year the Rotary members will once again be playing golf on Friday mornings at Sally Creek Golf course located on 59 Hwy. The first day of golf will be Friday April 16th with a tee off time of |
You are invited to join us for a great evening of fun and fellowship on Monday December 14th at 5:30 pm for our annual Christmas Dinner. Please bring along your spouse and children as we celebrate this wonderful time of the year. Dinner will be a served meal of traditional Christmas turkey and fixings. See eventfor pricing details and to register for dinner. We need to provide attendance numbers to the hotel ahead of time.
On September 10, 2009 Rotarian David Lowes passed away after battling
cancer this year. David was a friend to all who knew him. His quick wit
and humor punctuated our Rotary meetings particularly when he was
Sergeant at Arms. David was President of our club in 1995-96 and was
also a Paul Harris Fellow.
David was understated in all that he did, but his charitable nature and business acumen will be felt in this community for years to come. His funeral was held at Faith United Church (formerly Central United) on Tuesday Sept. 15th. It was a celebration of his life and chance for those close to him to say goodbye. The support provided by Rotarian's over the past several days has been appreciated by Melissa, Sherry and Stephen. To read an article published in the in the Sentinel Review last week on David click here We will miss you David. |
I have received word that the Rotary Cow is being held for ransom at The Village of Oxford Gardens. Word is that if everyone donates a loonie or a toonie today at lunch we may have a chance of seeing the cow again by next week. We have not received word as to what may happen should we not contribute.
The Rotary Club approved a pledge of $50,000 for a new state of the art waterpark at the June 15th lunch meeting. This is a joint effort between the City of Woodstock, our club and the Woodstock-Oxford Club.
We look forward to fundraising for this much needed facility for the families in north-east Woodstock. |
Volunteers needed to confirm this weekend! On July 24th and 25th We are providing volunteers to the Para Sport Summer Games here in Woodstock. This is our chance to share the Rotary Spirit with people from all over Ontario.We will be volunteering at Oliver Stephens Public School. 6 volunteers are needed for the afternoon of July 24th and for the full day of July 25th. Please register now through the website. look under the "events" section and click on the Para Sport event then "volunteering". There are two time slots for the Saturday but if you can do the whole day then it would be great. |
I recently received an e-mail from Rotarian Joseph Matovu of RC Mityana Uganda with an update on the Auto-Skill Literacy program we started with a grant from Rotary International. Joseph's letter follows and you can find pictures at our Picasa Album |
The Board of Directors has been working with the Sea Cadets to determine how we could best help them with a number projects at their Sail Center on the north shore of Pittock Lake. James Stewart took the lead on this and has been working hard arranging funding
Senator Trevor Eyton was introduced by Graham Hart. He became a senator 19 years ago. Previously he had been the CEO of Brascan, a large Canadian company with multiple holdings.
![]() Sharon Poole spoke to the club on March 23rd about her training for the Sears National Kids Cancer Ride that she will be completing this June. She will be cycling along with 35 other riders from Vancouver to Halifax over a 12 day period.
Sharon's goal is to raise $25,000 in support of her effort. All donations will go directly to supporting children with cancer. The Rotary Club of Woodstock will be supporting Sharon with a $500 donation from our Charitable Foundation. Below is a link to her website where you can make additional donations or find our more details of her ride. Sharon's Website |
Steve Hershey and Brenda Thorne have been hard at work preparing all the details for the annual music festival. Our role is to fill all the volunteer spots for door duty at each venue for the duration of the Festival. This is a great opportunity to see some wonderful young musicians and provide some community service to Woodstock and are. Please click on the Music Festival under Events and volunteer some time.
Larry Moore and associates have been hard at work already in the clubhouse. He is working on a storage room that can be heated to keep paint and other materials from freezing during the winter months. This will avoid having to store stuff at Rotarian's homes over the winter. Please contact Larry if you would like to help with this project
On Saturday April 18th |
We held our annual Christmas Dinner at the Quality Hotel on December 15th this year. The dinner was attended by 64 past or present Rotarians, spouses and children. A great time was had by all as we enjoyed the fellowship of friends, carol singing and a visit by Santa (aka James Stewart) and his elf Meilssa. One of the most important points of the evening
We held our third annual inter-club auction on December 1. There was a wide range of items donated by Rotarian's and friends. From NFL and NHL tickets to snow shovels and coolers there was something for everyone.
Event captain Rick Shaheen reported that we raised a total of $1,747.50 in the 45 minute auction. Local Auctioneer and former Rotarian Glen Murray deserves a big thank you for lending his help to the cause. The board of directors will likely vote to top up the amount by $500 as they have in past years and we may receive an additional donation from a former Rotarian. The Funds raised will go towards the District Shoebox program that we run in Mexico. For more information please go to the district website by clicking here |
DG Norm spoke to our club on the 2009-09 theme of Make Dreams Real (for the worlds children). This theme is not a change in direction for Rotary but a call to action on our major initiatives of Health, Hunger, Literacy and Clean Water.
The Rise and Fall of Rotary Clubs
Exploring the Stages of Club Success and Failure
This year's 7080
The two-day conference begins Friday night with fun and fellowship at a reception at Brampton's Rose Theatre. Rotarians will have a chance to meet and greet, enjoy dinner together at one of Brampton's downtown restaurants and finish the evening with tickets to a spectacular New York production of the Pirates of Penzance. |
![]() Our biggest fundraiser of the year is just around the corner. Robin and Melissa need everyone's support to achieve our goals and make this event successful. Please take advantage of the online sign up as many already have. We need as much help at the docks as possible. The efficiency of loading and unloading is key to keeping our event on time.
We have 42 teams entered whith 14 local teams competing for |
![]() Well the Rotary Year has gotten off to a great start with lots of activity in the club. On July 15th the Club was treated to Nigel Milllington's classification talk. I will post a summary of this on the website shortly. On July 21 we held a Fellowship day including golf at the beautiful Innerkip Highlands golf course. Ifhan, Ted, Dave H. Dave L. Nigel, Larry and Mary Moore, Melissa, Graham, Robin and Norm N. President of the Woodstock-Oxford club enjoyed a beautiful
Fellow Rotarians and guests I
would like to thank you for allowing me the privilege of leading this Club in
its' 84th year.
I have been a member since
May 2000 and have thoroughly enjoyed working with all members of the club over
the past 8 years. The club has given me a chance to grow personally and
professionally. I would like to thank Past
President Olga for stepping up to take on the Presidents role last year. She
did a great job in overseeing a very successful year. With the launch of a new fundraising
venture in the Rec. and Leisure show, a pledge of $17,500 to Woodstock Minor
Soccer, our record breaking 10th Anniversary Dragon Boat Festival
and another successful Music Festival, I
think we can all be proud of what was accomplished last year. |
The 2008 Fun Race League is wrapping up this week. We had 60 paddlers registered this year which was down about 15 from 2007. The weather was not very cooperative either as we were rained out the first night and battled cold and wind on other nights. However I think that all the paddlers enjoyed the league. The addition of coaches Ellis Henricks,
![]() This past fall we commited $17,500 to Woodstock Minor Soccer to aid their efforts to develiop a firs class multi use facility at Cowan Park, located at the north end of Woodstock. Woodstock Minor Soccer will name a field in the name of Rotary in appreciation for our donation.
Well Rotarians and friends we rounded out the first 10 years of dragon boat festivals in Woodstock with the most successful event ever. Estimates are that we will raise $25,000 this year! From what the competitive teams said it looks like the event was a success all around. The following comments are from the Dragon Boat Forum where most of our top finishing teams trade info and comments on events. Thanks to our partnership with OMG this year we also had great coverage from media. I heard that we were featured on CTV (Kitchener), CH (Hamilton), A Channel (London), Heart FM and KICX FM. The Sentinel Review posted a couple of great articles featuring some of our longest participating teams and some great stories. |
![]() Thursday June 28th will be the last night of our Fun Race League. We will be handing out some mementos to the paddlers at the end of the evening. This successful venture had 75 paddlers registered and assisted in the formation of a Woodstock Dragon Boat Team.
IVIX Books is a non-profit bookstore located halfway between Delhi and Tillsonburg on the north side of highway #3. Rotarians support it by buying from the 25,000 new and used books in stock and by donating books. It is open daily from 2:00 till 5:00.
Proceeds go to support schools in Haiti and Cuba. |
![]() With nervous excitement Rotarians Don Stoddart, Bruce Cunningham, David Lowes, Dave Poole, Dave Harris, Art Boughtflower, Richard Shaheen, Cliff Zaluski and Harvey Silverthorne removed the first boat hull from the forms. Well we didn't do it all by ourselves.... |
I would like to thank the Sentinel Review and staff, as well as Rogers Cable for your coverage of Rotary's 100th anniversary and the Woodstock Rotary Club's $50,000 donation to our local hospital foundation. Also our thanks to Woodstock City Council for proclaiming February 20-27 Rotary Week and flying the Rotary flag at Museum Square. The editorials and press releases were timely and much appreciated.
The Rotary Club of Woodstock will present our Pledge of $50,000 to the Woodstock Hospital Foundation on February 28th at our lunch meeting. This will conclude the goal of the club to raise $50,000 over the past 3 years towards the new Woodstock Hospital. We hope that all Rotarians will come out to witness this great achievement