To days meeting was hosted at the South Gate Centre by President Chris. 
Lunch was sampling chili made by six different vendors, with lemon pie for desert.
Then members got to vote for their favorite Chili.
Introduced by Vanessa Guiliano
John Klein Geltink spoke about the programs of Operations Sharing.
Operation Sharing has been in Woodstock for 33 years and in Ingersoll for 6 years. Their programs include Food for Friends, In out of the Cold and The Christmas Place. 
Food for Friends asks the public to donate 25 cents as they check out at local grocery stores.  Cards are then signed out to people in need to buy non taxable groceries  of their choice.   This has been especially valuable for people who are diabetic. 
The Christmas Place offers  new donated items and a day for parents and a day for  children to shop at very low prices for Christmas gifts.
Matt Baleka is in charge of In out the Cold held at Old St. Paul’s Church from  November to April .  Doors open from 7:00 pm until 11:00 pm. A warm safe place is provided with food donated from local restaurants.  More men than women use this place. The shelter has been operating for eleven years.  Everyone must leave by 7:00 am. There is a need for volunteers, especially to do laundry.Anyone wanting a shower  can do so at the YMCA.
Both presenters were thanked by Don Stoddart