Olga started us off with O Canada
Lynn – Invocation

Birthdays and Anniversaries 

     John Currie 14 years as a Rotarian
     Adam Shaw - Birthday

Tim did 50/50

Bruce Cunningham drew king of clubs $10

Barb did Sergeant at Arms 

  • Chris - 6 weeks of winter still to come and unveiled new Rotary Banner "Light Up Rotary"
  • Lynn off to Mexico
  • Olga collected $5 from Rotarian for Polio Plus "Name The Director" baby pictures
  • Francis - Son finished 8th skiing this past weekend, great weekend on the hills
  • Melissa - was in fun jail raising money for a playground set for a public school
  • Barb brought up the Olympic theme for February and our new adoptive country to cheer for, had a quiz game which China has an early lead too.
  • Tim - Please wear some red and white or Canada related clothing to our upcoming Rotary meetings to avoid a potential fine (shirt, tie, hat, sweater, socks, etc.)


Dave Harris - Dragon Boat Festival.  Meeting Thursday at noon at Quality Inn

Francis – Youth Exchange. The girls (exchange students) are up at Halliburton this week.

Ron -Thank you cards from two WCI students thanking Rotary for helping them out with their post secondary education costs

Guest Speaker
Bruce Introduced our Speakers from CAS (Ronda, Danielle and Fatima)

Fatima Started off with some background info about Cribs for Kids, many parents do not have safe up to date cribs.

Ronda updated us with what's going on in Oxford County, 17.6% of children grow up in "low income" household.
Oxford has a higher than average teen pregnancy, Oxford at 27% while 25% is the average for teen pregnancy.

Cribs should have no bumper pads, no pillows, no heavy blankets, no clutter, just a single sheet is all they need.

Next Meeting on the 10th for Feb - Annual General Meeting

The A B C's ...  ALONE in crib, B for on BACK and C for in a proper CRIB

Danielle - Spreading the word with information and educating people.
CAS spends $300 for a crib, mattress and sheets.  CAS will try to assist people that need the help.
The crib will convert into a double bed so they can use it as the child grows up.
In the last year CAS has purchased 30 to 40 cribs and thinks on an annual basis they will spend between $5000-$9000 on this program.

Questions from Larry, Bill, Rick S, Barb, Dr. Reid, Vanessa, and Melissa.

Rick C thanked our quest speakers

Meeting adjourned by President Ron.