Woodstock Rotary Club Board of Director's Meeting Minutes

November 17, 2008

Woodstock Quality Inn and Suites

David Harris, Ifhan Hudda, Olga Mckellar, Robt Reid, Marion Schmidt,

                Chris Martin, Don Stoddart,  and Rosemary George Secretary

Regrets:    James Stewart, and Robin Ferro

Approval of the Agenda

                 Moved by      Olga  Mckellar

                 Seconded by  Chris Martin


                 That the agenda be approved


Approval of the Minutes of  October 20, 2008

                Moved by          Ifhan Hudda

                Seconded by      Chris Martin


                That the Minutes of October 20, 2008 be approved 


Business Arising from the Minutes:

                 Moved by        Don Stoddart

                 Seconded by    Chris Martin


                 That we participate with WoodstockOxford in their Medal Programe for

                  High School Students in June.

Finance Report: Chris Martin, Treasurer

                  -Chris circulated and reviewed a year to-date report of the

                   Operating account. 

                 -the Insurance has been paid to District, Rosemary will track down a

                  Copy of the Insurance for our files

                 -$23,000 has been transferred to the service account from Dragon Boat

                   Revenue.  $5000.00 for the Uganda project has not yet been paid.

                 -Chris also reviewed with the Board the draft Annual Statements which

                   when audited will be presented to the members next Monday.

                 Moved by       Chris Martin 

                 Seconded by   Robt. Reid


                  That the Financial report be accepted

Annual Donation of $100.00 US to Rotary International

                  There was discussion regarding our annual donation.  Should each member be

                 recognized for donating $100.00 or the club as a whole?  This item was

Funding Requests: None           

Attendance:  For October was 71%

Correspondence:  Information on RYLA, Rotary Leadership Camp, May 3-8 2009

              action deferred to the December meeting.

            -Heart FM has grant money available for cultural use.  John Macintosh was

              referred to Steve Hershey  

            -Woodstock Hooters has requested free training time for their summer Dragon

              Boat practices.  This was referred to the Dragon Boat Committee

POD update for December

           December 1, 2008 is the club Auction for the Shoe Box Campaign

           December 15, 2008 is the Christmas Diner

           December  22, 2008 Olga will Chair the meeting

           December 29, 2008 the meeting is cancelled             

Committee Reports:

-          Membership-Olga Mckellar - presentation in January

-          Youth Exchange- Nun is being hosted by a non Rotarian and there is

      no one prepared to host in the new year.  Richard is advising the Board that

      we will not be able to proceed with this programe another year. .

-          Dictionaries are all delivered.  Thanks to Robt. Reid for his organization.

Peter Stam is looking for any extras

-          Ham Sales are underway

-          Larry Moore has taken the podium to refinish.  Thanks Larry

Adjournment:  Moved by Robt. Reid.


Next Meeting: To be announced